Comments from Piers
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STOP Clock changes #StopDST
Piers Corbyn says end this stupid out-dated upsetting distress for people and pets. Most of the world have given it up and those that still do it are not even sychronised about it . Most of USA (except most of #Arizona) do it on 13th. UK and most of #Eu on 27th.
#DST causes accidents, deaths and increased energy use: Green = DST in 2016, white = No DST
April 15th..... The wild Jet stream variations WeatherAction warned would become more prevelant from some years ago continue. Now WeatherAction World-wide Top Red R5 solar impact period 15-18 April is hitting hard. Get your #April forecasts B+I, Eu, USA to see what is likely to happen these days and later in the month. The ferocity of R5 enhanced events around the world was is apparent. For Britain and Ireland and Europe the finer weather expected Br+Ir + N/W Europe in the period looks like being pushed towards the end of this period. Subscribers look out for updates on the access boxes For USA the snow action is happening further West and moving East to be in expected parts around end of period. Look in USA access box for update news.
Thur 3 <= Wed 2 Mar 2 24th March Maunday Thursday - Run-Up to Easter check WeatherAction forecast both sides Atlantic, USA 3weeks ahead ~Mar22-25+/-1d well confirmed
Wed 3rd <= Tue 1 March Take advantage of our Spring Sale NOW to get ahead of trouble.
Happy start of official 'Spring' - it will be a crazy one Br+Ir, Eu, USA. - ALREADY: cold blast Br+Ir, WOW snow Italy S/E Europe, BIG storm USA..... Get Real! YOU NEED TO KNOW!
Mon/Tue 21/22 March
Welcome to all new visitors who saw Piers Corbyn on BBC The Big Question Sunday 20 March (10-11am Brighton) putting #CO2 #Warmistas in their place. The CO2 - warmistas were unable to answer any questions and declined challenges (both on and off air) to proper scientific debate in future.
Piers says: "I got a lot of positive comments from the audience after the show and in tweets, texts and emails later. People are starting to realize they have been lied to big-time in order to be robbed - in the name of saving the planet.
The ignorant Carbon zealots who call for Carbon reductions / zero carbon have no idea what damage they are doing. They are forcing up electricity charges (to pay for bird mutilating wind farms and horrendously costly nukes) and promoting the destruction of life and living standards in the UK (and world) without even reducing CO2!
Teesside was closed down and jobs lost and CO2 emissions moved to India under the dodgy EUETS (EU, Emissions Trading Scheme (scam).
Removing smoke and dust from industry can be easily done these days without reducing CO2 - which is not a pollutant; it is plant food.
"We now must campaign in Eu referendum and the May elections for honest debate on CO2 / Global-Warming and stop the CO2 con in its tracks. Accountability Now! (27Feb) The SPLIT PolarVortex and late Feb (100d ahead) and early March BrIr+Eu cold blasts are confirming WeatherAction Long Range - months ahead - forecasts. Tue 8 Mar 4 Mar New R4* active weather period begins worldwide for Mar 4-7+/-1d Watch for increases (~doubling) of snow/rain beyond expectations of standard meteorology, stronger winds taking snow further south than TV forecasts for BI-Eu USA, extra tropical cyclone / storm formations etc. (*Major Red solar-weather effect). This cold blast from ~March 3/4th warned 100days ahead is confirming the point in WeatherAction "SnowHope" extra comments to subscribers for Late Feb + early March namely that the March event was likely to be COLDER than Feb and had (more) snow-hope. The fair amount of snow is a result of he R4 period 4-7th. 2 inches of snow hit N England March 3/4th. Feb 16th Latest Stratospheric Temperatures (see LHS lower home page) show notable stratwarming at both upper (eg 05mb) and Lower (eg 50mb) levels. These events (espec lower level stratwarms) generally herald extra waviness in the jet stream and hence more extreme cold + snow im places and warm blasts in others. Feb15th Record Cold Valentines Day 14 Feb in N/E USA - amazing displaced polar vortex confirming VERY COLD blast warned by WeatherAction USA 2weeks ahead for ~11-14th Feb. Doubtless this will be under-reported by BBC, Aljazeera, France24 etc. Imagine the trumpets and wall to wall 'coveraage' if it were the 'warmest ever' Valentines day in New York. Of course it will be presented in the "Cold Means Warm" double-think manner involving contorted logic about extremes following from some 'hidden warming'. The reality is that scientists know the displaced polar vortex which gave this supercold and the related Jet-Stream shifts cannot be explained in anyway whatsoever by Co2 and are wholly explained - and were warned of in 2007 - by generally ongoing low solar activity. 4th Feb
SPECIAL WELCOME NEW VISITORS following Piers Corbyn 3rd Feb:- => Speaking at Global Warming debate, Stoke Newington School => Imperial College "Quantum mechanics in a nutshell" (ex IC member of public)
Feb 13th 01.00gmt
USA - The Very cold blast fom North in N/E explicitly warned by WeatherAction USA for period ~11-15th is being confirmed. The detailed timing of eastward motion of High from center-west looks like being slightly delayed although WeatherAction 2 week ahead forecast was not very definitive on timings. BrIr-Eu - The period 7-10th is essentially being extended into 11-15th and the polar Vortex NOT yet returning to a more normal situation. Detailed forecast watchers might like to know this possibility, even though short duration, was an option in 100d ahead considerations but not applied. Importantly the main snow came in the R4 period 7-10th and Standard Meteorology (SM) overestimated snow initially in present quieter 11-15th (R2 11-12th, R3 13-15th) so what is happening 13/14th looks like a compromise between what SM said 5d ahead and WA said 100d ahead (unchanged) in terms of temperatures. Precip amount in South stay low 13/14th in line with WeatherAction. The stronger W'ly flow for BrIr forecast by WeatherAction for from 16th looks like being confirmed [11Feb] Considerable snow (above) hit Scotland 10/11th Feb confirming WeatherAction 100d ahead forecast for 7-10 Feb +/-1or2 days (R4 period). Snow also came to Wales and North England although not as far South as expected from 100d ahead. NOW in period 11-15th (espec 14th) snow-hopes of standard meteorology look like they were too high and short-range forecasts appear to be moving towards WA's less snow-hope in South. See ~Valentines day special document, note below, and Piers new comment in WeatherAction Blogspot. 29 - 28 Jan
HOWZAT! Superb solarwind action confirms drivers for Major Red Weather R4 period 24-26 Jan+/-1d and predicted subsequent #StratWarm (Stratospheric warming) is happening now. Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist of WeatherAction says "We are very pleased with this. Our expected (upper level) StratWarm of 22nd Jan was small but this one which we forecast to peak around 29th looks on target and is occuring in upper (5mb) as well as at our expected lower (50mb) levels. Although we have suggested (eg in 2013) that upper #StratWarms precede lower ones and these then cause more #JetStream buckling and hence snow in places it may be that this is true at times but perhaps these three phenomena are not primarily a causal chain but associated events with common cause (and not always all happening). Our predictions of solar and solar wind events and subsequent/overlapping R5 & R4, Red Weather periods and weather storms / blizzards are very reliable but they happen often without any notable stratwarm events. More work needs to be done but one thing is clear - solar events and jet stream changes, the prime arbiters of all weather extremes, are nothing to do with the trace gas CO2. For latest stratosperic temperatures see (and change 05 to 50 etc):- See also 20th <=14th <= 6th Jan 2016
WELCOME to new visitors.....after Piers Corbyn was on Radio shows - LBC (Jan6) - John Gaunt (7th) - RichieAllen (7th) (see also @Piers_Corbyn twitter). See New Sub offer below Richie Allen Interview Link: On LBC (and similar on others) Piers pointed that there was no evidence that CO2 levels let alone Man's CO2 drives climate but the reality is that CO2 levels follow world temperatures and now we were dealing with data fraud on an intenational scale whereby temperatures are adjusted upwards recently to make it appear as if the world is warming in order to justify carbon taxes and various controls. He said that recently 2010 had been declared warmer than 1998 whereas it used to be the other way around and that this was fraud to give the impression of continuous warming. A meteorologist from the university of Reading appeared distressed by Piers and said it had been very mild in December there as if this was somehow proof it was down to mankind's CO2. (Interestingly he didnt deny there had been 'adjustments' to data. So the fact is THE 'ADJUSTMENTS' ARE USED TO "PROVE" THE CO2 STORY). Piers said we are in an El Nino and Wild Jet Stream situation which makes these extremes and during the last Mini Ice Age there were some very warm spells while it was generally colder. He also said one needed to explain why the big storm (#StormFrank associated with the warmth) at the end of December (which WeatherAction predicted) coincided with intense solar activity (which WeatherAction also predicted and which caused the storm). 2016 will be a year of wild weather
#StormFrank (in WeatherAction TopRed R5 period 28-31Dec) also known as Piers Corbyn's #StormPiers2 (The 1st was 28Oct 2013 predicted 6m ahead) hit (details below) as predicted 10weeks ahead. This storm and associated extremes around the world such as a short mild event in the Arctic and extreme blizzards and cold blasts in New Mexico and East Europe are a foretaste of the extremes and contrasts coming in the year ahead!
(Jan 20-23) USA Monster snow #StormJonas = #Blizzard2016 - Brilliant success for WeatherAction.
Piers Corbyn points out:- "If New York Mayor had taken our forecasts they would have been warned 3 weeks ahead instead of caught out by dithering muddled standard forecasts. If the airlines took our USA forecasts they would have known of certain flight chaos 3 weeks ahead. (30 Dec) Piers Corbyn writes to David Cameron Click-pdf:
WANews15No30 PiersCorbyn offers PrimeMinister help to combat storms+blizzards this winter & shows CO2 ClimateChange theory has failed Note The Link for The presentation mentioned in the letter is best found via:WANews15No30 Piers Corbyn offers Prime Minister help to combat storms + blizzards this winter. He points out how extreme events over last 7 years confirm Solar-lunar theory and negate CO2 Climate Change theory and calls for re-think under Climate Change Act. (image in BLOGSPOT)
Comments submitted - 182 | Add your comment |
On 28 Apr 2016, Steve Devine wrote: The cooling trend for the month of April continues. Average April daytime temps from 2002 - 2016* (*provisional) as follows : 2002 16c, 2003 15c, 2004 14c, 2005 14c, 2006 14c, 2007 18c, 2008 13c, 2009 15.5c, 2010 15c, 2011 18c, 2012 11c, 2013 11.5c, 2014 16c, 2015 14c, 2016 11.6c. So with the exception of 2014 & 2015, April has been steadily decreasing in temperature year on year starting in earnest from 2008 which I believe Piers stated was the beginning of the Mini Ice Age. Now that Solar Cycle 25 has peaked, we can expect the Jet Stream to buckle then slide further south in the Northern Hemisphere in the years that follow...We were warned... On 28 Apr 2016, shaun (Wales) wrote: Been funny weather here this last week, multiple days with hail and snow. Yesterday it hailed really hard, fairly large hail, lasted quite a while until it started to look like snow as everything was white. This came after a frosty morning, then came some snow for a while, the Beacons had a good snow down to a level I wouldn't normally see at this time of year too. Out for my run and it was a bitter wind from the north, last night it was -1 here in South Wales, according to the MO -1 is below the winter average for the whole UK as the average is 0. Yet May is only a few days away. Many of the night this week has been getting as low as zero. Colder now than a number of weeks in mid winter. While I notice the solar activity had nose dived to as low as 11, related? or just more natural variation On 27 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: Lorraine - the nest box that they used last year (my first year here) was occupied weeks ago. My neighbour had a Robin's nest that was raided and the young taken. There are Starlings in another of his boxes. The pheasant that wanders around my garden a lot appears to be getting randy despite the cold weather. Having to walk the East to West cycle route this afternoon it wasn't too bad in the sun and it stayed dry. Came over very grey at home and has been raining - I think. Not looked to see if it is more wintry. On 27 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 1˚C at 7.30, harder frost than yesterday, with a dusting of overnight snow, water butts with ice on them but a brilliant start with hardly a cloud in the sky, the contrast to yesterday couldn’t be bigger, beefy NW’ly wind which blew all day. Sunny and warm morning, max temp 8˚, but after midday clouds moved in from the north and we got frequent hail, snow and rain showers with not much sun in between. I wondered about that lone swallow that passed the farm a week ago, can’t be having much fun! Maybe waiting for its companions from Guernsey, Lorraine :-) 2˚ at 9pm. ==Maria: witloof chicory is easy to grow, it’s the forcing - so that you get the white chicons with no bitter taste - that is the difficulty; we tend to cover the dug up roots in a cold frame with recycled tree compost from our production and harvest them from March onwards, indoor forcing is quicker but more work. You’ll find plenty info online. On 27 Apr 2016, Lorraine wrote: There was a hailstorm in Hertford yesterday and on leaving Gatwick airport there was a hold up of planes while a weather front had gone through which was obviously heavy hail. The fact remains I have normally seen many swallows in Guernsey by now, they normally arrive about end of March as has been known, only seen a couple. Obviously the majority are still further south waiting to come further north. I am also monitoring blue tits which are normally nesting in my bird box but no sign On 27 Apr 2016, Gerry 45d Surrey/Kent border 223ft wrote: Snow! There were two snowstorms in the City yesterday as witnessed by a colleague. Iceagenow links to a pic of a snow covered Westminster Bridge. Down in my corner of Surrey there was a snowstorm just after 6pm. Frost overnight and 3C at 7.30 this morning. V cold yesterday morning with the wind. Slightly less so this morning. Off on a City site walk this afternoon so hope the snow keeps off. Las Vegas set a joint record lowest maximum last Monday of just 64F. Seems the UK has missed the worst with 6ins of snow in Denmark where there are no mountains. Norway had snow along the cost south of Oslo causing chaos as they are not allowed to use studded tyres after easter and the snow clearing vehicles were all packed away until next Winter. On 26 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Rain showers sunshine breezy and hail showers too, some amazing large clouds to watch at times, quite cool but working when the sunshine was out wasn't too bad max 8/9 deg mostly clear and starry out tonight and 2 deg at 23.40pm Daffodils just finishing here has been a nice lengthy season for them and the red maple leaves are a welcome site growing more each day, Silver birch coming out too and the willow trees have dropped their catkins and are coming back to life, looks like the Ash is coming out before the Oak here..Witloof Chicory is that hard to grow Paddy? I've never tried it before. On 26 Apr 2016, BLACK PEARL wrote: Ah the 70's Piers ......... The dawn of the coming ice age consensus ............. Ice flows on the river Tyne I remember it well :) On 26 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: Waking up to white, a good dusting of snow, 1˚C at 7.30, snow, sleet & hail showers all morning from the word go on the less strong than yesterday N’ly wind, feeling very cold even in the tunnel. Brightened up in the afternoon however, max temp 8˚, fewer showers and quite a pleasant end to the day, 3˚ at 9.30pm. == Craig, I have also held back on many things on account of the forecast. What I do like about snow at this time is that it lookes really good on the pink and green of the flowering currants, always look on the bright side. On 26 Apr 2016, David (Yorkshire) wrote: Sunshine, wind, rain, hail, sleet, snow, thunder here today and temps were up and down all day. Most on here on not surprised by this delayed spring but I bet many gardeners and farmers have been caught out. Mother nature has addressed the mild winter with a bang and growth seems really slow. On 26 Apr 2016, Richard Brown from East Yorkshire wrote: Latest seasonal forecast models from the ever reliable met office, are now forecasting average or above average temps for the summer, esp in the South and East. How long before they are forecasting record temps? On 26 Apr 2016, Harris Keillar wrote: Edinburgh - subscriber. I read this just now from Severe Weather Europe [and wondered along with one of the writers, whether any research has been done in this area]: Gilla Zürner when we see clouds in the austrian alps which are shaped like an amboss or a mushroom or a zeppelin there is chance of earthquakes - so i have seen an mushroom 10 days ago and today we had 4.1 earthquake... so may be this is only in the austrian alps to be seen this way.. Edited Dennis Dieleman That is really interesting! Did anybody ever study this? Gilla Zürner these and other signs i was told by a 90year old woodworker many years ago - i was living with my husband in nature for 1,5 years and so i watch and do statistics on it... and we have an old austrian "farmer"kalender and this tells you somehow weather too - yess there are many ancient studies on this in old libraries in monestaries - museums and so on.. On 26 Apr 2016, Andy B 45D Farmer sub SE Wales wrote: My mistake for not checking forecast box, Well done Piers for April's forecast it was about 99% correct here. At the moment the grass as almost stopped growing and it looks as if it will be cold for next 10 days. I too have seen that letter to the BBC but wonder if anything will come of it On 25 Apr 2016, @CraigM350 Sub, Berkshire 51N wrote: Andy - check your forecast box again as it's been there for a few days."April 22nd Forecast News: The detailed 8 weather periods 4 page MAY 2016 forecast pdf is now loaded". May looks one heck of a month Piers!!! // Dafs only just finished - what a lovely long display. Yes some out in Dec but they did not hit full peak till Mar/Apr as usual. Forsythia and Cherry trees a bit late compared to past few years (except 2013). Late frosts cut into Magnolia blooms. WA Forecasts for spring so far have held me very well for planting with no loses as I knew this cold spell was coming weeks ago & knew the warmth was going to be there too (wild jetstream). Ive held off the tender plants for now. More wildness to come? SUBSCRIBE and stay ahead// Piers is a signatory to the letter of complaint to the BBC, with Paul Homewood, Lord Monckton amoungst others. See - On 25 Apr 2016, Andy B 45D Farmer sub SE Wales wrote: Important announcement on BBC CO2 is greening Earth surprise surprise are they going soft! On another important note why has the full 45day forecast been delayed? the short version that Piers has supplied is very vague and is not that much help to us farmers during this long cold spell. On 25 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 2˚C at 7.30, sunny for a short while but then we had every form of precipitation: rain, sleet, snow, graupel, hail with gale force N’ly winds preceding every shower, it was an absolutely wild day, to look at it could have been December if it wasn’t for the emerging leaves on the trees, max temp 6˚, back down to 2˚ by 9pm. == Maria, thanks for that link, they look an interesting outfit. We’ve had a few overwinter lettuce in our veg tunnel, they don’t do so well because I don’t water between Oct - March. We also have new lettuce to plant out which’ll be ready late May; that said, we’re just reaching the end of our witloof chicory & corn salad which has kept us going for most of the winter. On 25 Apr 2016, Gerry 45d Surrey/Kent border 223ft wrote: Nice weather for March was a comment made at our St George's Day celebration late Saturday afternoon as the cold east wind had us wrapped in our coats. If you were sheltered and in the sun it was fine - but we weren't. A colleague has told me that Meopham in Kent had snow yesterday morning at 8am. I was in bed then so can't comment for my area but at 10.30am it was just 6C on the thermometer. During yesterday it struggled up to 12C. While it was mostly dry on Saturday apart from a light shower late morning, it was mainly cloudy on Sunday with spits of rain early evening. it has rained a bit more when I went out hedgehog hunting around 11pm. Warmer this morning but with some spits of rain but has brightened up now. Snow in London yesterday morning is mentioned on Iceagenow. A tiny piece in Mail on Sunday about Piers complaining to the BBC on global warming bias. Well done Piers but they will no doubt ignore you. On 25 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Ps half asleep! Tuscan lettuce I sowed on 16th March matures really quickly.. On 25 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: A few very light short showers yesterday morning then staying dry all day till the evening showers, only a short sunny spell or two & noticeably cooler and light nw breeze max 11 deg. Looks similar today except even chillier this morning, again some showers, around 6 deg feeling like only a few deg. Light breeze again.. Paddy, so far we are eating the Tuscan salad mix grown in the Polytunnel and picking some Greek cress, rocket, lambs lettuce and claytonia to mix in with it, have some webs wonder & lil gems nearly ready to plant out but they are a bit small yet due to the cooler spring, also have some winter hardy butterhead lettuce nearly ready in a few weeks called marvel of winter that I usually sow up to September - Dec. but chucked some in incase it was a cool spring, but the mixed leaf varieties that I can pick a bowl of leaves are a great fill in here while waiting for others, I pick any seeds that say suitable for a cool climate these days, is a good site too.. On 24 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 1˚C at 7.30, slightly less cold than yesterday morning but still frost on the car roof. A day of mixed sunshine & clouds, no precipitation, pretty constant & cold NW’ly wind, though warm in shelter and in sun, max temp 12˚, down to 5˚ by 10pm. == Maria: is that autumn-planted lettuce? On 23 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: 4 deg to start today, then Max 12 deg feeling cooler with the nnw'ly light breeze at times when the sun couldn't get through the clouds, but despite that some nice sunny spells too making it feel springish like on n off all day, good weather for painting trellis work, did some chicken skewers & jacket spuds on the outside fire with some lettuce from the tunnel late afternoon, it dropped chilly soon after so in to light the indoor fire and put back on the warm socks and grab a hot chocolate :) 6 deg at 10.20pm.. On 23 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 0˚C overnight, clear and sunny start, 2˚ at 7.30, frost on car roof and bare earth, bird bath had a sheet of ice on it. Snow showers started around 8.30 and carried on throughout the morning, but none of it stuck. Great sunny interludes, max temp 7˚, pretty raw N’ly wind, 2˚ at 10pm. Cold but the trees are steadily greening nevertheless. == Ron, any chance of some boreo arctic tomatoes that could be grown outside? ;-) On 23 Apr 2016, Ron Greer wrote: After another clear bright start, cloud came in at about 0900hrs and a few flakes of snow started to fall. Luckily I specialise in growing boreo-arctic species from oceanic montane areas. Got the stove in full winter mode again for the forthcoming cold snap. On 22 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 2˚C overninght, 4˚ at 7.30, still frost on the car roof but less so than yesterday, beautiful clear start in a NW’ly breeze but from about 10 onwards we had waves of shower clouds passing over which dropped the temperature substantially every time. Great when the sun was out again, max temp 12˚, showers proper started in the afternoon, some hail mixed in, more further inland than with us in the coastal strip, as is often the case. Clear moonlit and cold night, already down to 1˚ by 10pm, by which time there was also frost on the car roof. As a precaution against burst/split ball valves I turned off all the tunnel stop cocks, been there a few times before I learnt. == Heard the great climate prophet St Roger the Harrabin on the radio this morning droning on about the ratification (or not) of the Paris agreement; I tell you folks, we’re doomed (as per Fraser in Dad’s Army) :-) On 22 Apr 2016, BLACK PEARL wrote: On 20 Apr 2016, Mike Mike even if the UK votes to remain it wont be the last of it, we're not going to go away The quisling Cameron & his supporters will be finished in the eyes of more than half the population by the way he threatens & lies to his own. All these false economic forecasts much like those made by environmentalists that never came true Us Vulcans will never forget We should have listened to Tony Benn but he was branned a loony lefty Have a listen to his wise words (short clip) On 22 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Some nice sunshine around 16 deg then today around 14 with more cloud about but still some good sunny spells enough with the light ne'ly breeze to get some colour to the faces, kids have lost their pale winter faces and with the sunscreen on have enjoyed the dry spell. It is amazing how dry the soil is here too after a soggy winter. Not looking forward to cooler temps again after the last few days but if it stays dry a little bit longer that will be grand. On 22 Apr 2016, Gerry 45d Surrey/Kent border 223ft wrote: The sun may have been shining the past few days but the wind from the east has teeth. Stand in the lee and in the sun and it is very pleasant. Catch the wind and it is not. Good news like others is that the absence of rain is finally letting the ground dry out. Jeremy is making a mistake in supporting the Remainers - even though he is clearly dubious - as a vote to leave will see the back of Cameron and his lies, and plunge the Tories into disarray that could well let Red Labour win an election. It was noted on WUWT that when the UNFCCC accepted Palestine as a member, US law requires them to cease funding to that body. It has now been brought to the attention of the government so it will be interesting to see Obummer's response. On 21 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 1˚C overnight, clear frosty start, white on exposed bare soil and on the car roof, but yet another bright and sunny day dawning albeit with a fresh NW’ly breeze. Out of the wind it got pretty warm though the thermometer only got to 14˚ and as soon as any cloud appeared it got noticeably colder. It always amazes me how quickly things can turn dusty in springtime, only a week ago I could hardly imagine what that would feel like; somehow, the ground always manages to dry up sooner or later. 6˚ at 9.30pm. On 21 Apr 2016, Ron Greer wrote: Another white frost on the ground and car this morning, but with the promise of another warm sunny day with a cool breeze. Both GFS and Mobeeb indicating a period of below average temps until early May and quite a few frosts. Well, there are those on these threads who will not be surprised! On 20 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 2˚C overnight, 4˚ at 7.30, another beautiful day, frost on the car roof, temps rising pretty quickly to a dizzying 17˚ by midday, highest so far this year, cool sea breeze in the afternoon, so whenever the sun disappeared behind the cirrus clouds it felt almost cold, typical HP weather for us. Nevertheless, all this light is bringing the trees into leaf slowly but surely. We saw our first swallow here on the farm, passing through on the way north, roughly normal at this stage of April. 5˚ at 10pm, MO says cloudier & cooler tomorrow, everyone’s talking about an Arctic blast at the weekend, wonder where they got that from in the first place? On 20 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Some nice blue sky and sunshine yesterday after lunch going through to the evening, reached 14 deg stayed mild early eve and no need for heating here for the short term at the moment, blue sky and sunshine from the start this morning, looks like another lovely day in store, nearly finished weeding the flower beds then back to growing veg, first spinach and lettuce n radish ready to eat in the tunnel, broad beans and peas up, have been hanging back on planting spuds n onions but they need to go in soon, met here giving the heads up now on cooler week coming.. On 20 Apr 2016, Ron Greer wrote: Woke up to frost this and my car, parked in the shade still has frost on it. AT 0840 hrs. Wind producing a total of 0,53 GW for the UK. Thank goodness I got in an extra supply of wood for my stove. On 20 Apr 2016, Mike (45 day subs) wrote: I see Jeremy is now backing the stay in Europe Remain campaign. Shame that the Establishment have even got to him, given that he was a strong supporter and true follower of the late Tony Benn. Piers - please don't let them get to you and do everything in your power to stop them destroying your free spirit and freedom of thought on climate science and climate change. Beware the man made global warmers and CO2 zealots! On 19 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 3˚C overnight, so frost on car roof first thing, 5˚ at 7.30, cloudless sky until well into the morning when some cloud began appearing. Winds initially from WNW, then turning into a very cold S’ly; nevertheless, max temp got to 15˚, it was a cracking Scottish spring day, the wind drying everything out and boy, don’t we need it. Almost finished sowing our trees so the garden is beginning to call to put veg on the table for next winter, eating the last of our Brussels witloof chicory and overwinter corn salad now. 6˚ at 10pm, much less wind. On 19 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: Paddy - yes, my error they are Blackthorns in flower. Forsythia is in flower too. I have lots of Bluebells - more than last year - some Daffodils, Primroses, Forget-me-nots. First Daisies appearing. A lovely day today - better than yesterday as my heating hasn't needed to come on whereas it did yesterday. On the topic of Brexit, the Leave Alliance has a public even on Saturday from which there should be lots of good videos on youtube countering all the government's lies and making up for Vote Leave's incompetence. The Flexcit plan is available on and if we win - inspite of the leave campaign's best efforts to lose, the civil servants tasked with arranging our exit know that the plan exists and is the only plan. I think we need a wet day for the vote so that 'remainers' remain at home - over to you Piers. On 19 Apr 2016, Steve,Dorset,UK sub wrote: Turned out nice today, and the sky did not fall in as the goverment were warning us that leaving the EU would cause global warming, oooooooo On 19 Apr 2016, Steve Devine wrote: And here's a link from the Met Office showing the switch from warm SE'lies this working week to the cold N'ly incursion from this weekend onwards. Again, almost perfect correlation with your NW European pressure charts! - On 19 Apr 2016, Steve Devine wrote: - Piers, would you mind sharing your European Pressure Chart from 23rd - 25th April then comparing with this outlook chart taken from a German weather website? Pretty much spot on for this arctic incursion you forecasted WEEKS ago! On 19 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Factors like GMF EMF MF jumping to mind but il be quiet now as I'm kinda outta my depth :)) On 19 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Ps like Paddy I reckon there are other factors at work there too, just couldn't find them on the internet!-) On 19 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Drizzle to start yesterday but remained cloudy and dry thereafter a little milder and the rest is history due to dreaded paperwork mission!-) Sun inbetween the heavy cloud cover this morning but happy to be back out in the garden 10 deg atm at midday. Common Hawthorn can support more than 300 insects approx. The haws are rich in antioxidants eaten by many migrating birds too, can grow in most soil types but flowers and fruits best in full SUN :) flowers are hermaphrodite & is the only British plant to be named after the month in which it blooms..Do I still get a grade if I used the internet? ;-) plus I reckon if you workin n getting sweaty take off a layer despite whats bloomin as else you will overheat lol!-) On 18 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 7˚C at 7.30, so a mild start but it had been 5˚ overnight, very still first thing but after 7 a strong blustery W’ly wind got going and lasted all day, dry though and plenty of sunshine with a max temp of 13˚, the wind drying things out nicely, very welcome as we have so much wet ground. 5˚ at 10pm. == P’IERS: Ne’r cast a cloot till May be oot’ is the Scottish version, cloot/clout meaning cloth, i.e. clothes. Generally it is the warmth that makes flowers bloom but I’m sure there are other factors also; there are winterflowering shrubs such as Viburnum bodnantense, Christmas rose etc. ==GERRY, are you sure it is your hawthorn that’s out? Even in your sunny climes that seems a bit early but perhaps I’m so used to our permafrost here that I can’t believe anything else exists. Blackthorn? Our cherry plums are also out and being eaten by the bullfinches. On 18 Apr 2016, Gerry 45d Surrey/Kent border 223ft wrote: My Hawthorns are in blossom now and have been for about a week or so. I have plums in blossom too. No signs from pears or apples yet. Cherry plum has been and gone as it came very early. Don't expect a good crop again this year as there were few pollinators around. Bumble bees are active now and should be good for the plums. More rain during the rest of Saturday before it cleared overnight. Lovely day yesterday and was able to work in the garden until sunset. Only needed a coat to prune and train roses - protection purposes - and then later as the sun lost its warmth. Some parts are still very wet. Iceagenow has a comment on UK snow on Saturday that was seen in Gloucestershire. I noted the timing of the earthquakes with the R periods. A flare fired off yesterday from the big sunspot. Denver got a foot of snow over the weekend but at Golden, Colorado they got 40 inches!!! No comments as to if this is unusual. On 18 Apr 2016, @Piers_Corbyn join me on twitter wrote: Great comms all thanks == PADDY Yes good point about MAY Blossom proverb "...until MAY is out" and the "out" means blossom first appearing on hedges I assume rather than fallen off; hence when its got just a bit warmer and days longer. One wonders exactly what MAY, HAWTHORN, blossom timing does depend on. Is it warmth, light, rain or what or some combination? Comms welcome! School project here! == ALL GREAT OFFER NOW ON WONT LAST SO HURRY. Idea was to also launch new further ahead internet service out TO SEPT after great time in Geneva Cereals Europe 2016 conference. The forecasts and ongoing - IMPORTANT UPDATES - also have wide application so get in there and pass it on! Thank you. As usual overlaps with existing subs give extensions, contact for any clarifications/requests etc - 07958713320 or Web message etc. Happy wild Spring. Piers On 18 Apr 2016, Allan wrote: Great going Piers, Japan, Ecuador quakes. On 17 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Some frost around in the early hours but cleared early with some nice morning sunshine today, warm for a little while :) Actually the sun felt quite intense for about an hour but sleeves rolled up more than T-shirt weather, more cloudy later and cooler but dry max 10 deg 6 now at 10.30pm and cloudy.. On 17 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 0˚C overnight, 2˚ at 7.30, frost on car and lawn, overcast to begin with but soon brightening up to a great day with some clouds floating about and getting really mild by afternoon at 14˚, W’ly breeze less cold than recent winds, a real spring day. Not as much snow on our hills here as I had expected but the further away ones were quite white on top, so there’s been more there (thnaks Ron). Further north it had apparently already been snowing on Friday night. The big surprise on our walk out today was the sand martins we spotted in a disused quarry, our first swallow sighting this year! Still 7˚ at 10pm and the air smelling balmy. == Helen Dolan: the May in the proverb actually refers to the hawthorn flowers rather than the month :-) On 17 Apr 2016, Ron Greer wrote: PADDY: Yes, snow on the hills to the NW of here and some great photos on Iain Cameron's snowpatches site on Facebook. Just the odd flurry here with mainly clear skies and a biting wind--classic Highland spring--boy do I miss my polytunnel ! On 17 Apr 2016, Helen Dolan wrote: My mum always said don't cast a clawt until May is out in English reads don't take any winter clothes off untill Spring bank week the end of May then you won't catch your death off cold and the Liberty bodice was allowed off It has been a while since we experienced hail and artic blast winds all over the country and not just up north as normal On 16 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Cold overnight, sunny at 9 a.m and 5 deg. light nnw'ly breeze and remained on the cooler side but mostly fine for the day with only a few short light showers, tried to hail once but stopped before it got going, mix of cloud and sunny spells. Looks like a cold one overnight with -1 possible 1deg now at 22.43pm On 16 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 1˚C at 7.30, woke up to brilliant white, ah yes, springtime of course, so it snows! Bright sunny morning with the occasional snow shower but by midday it was all gone. Max temp 8˚, some heavy rain showers in the afternoon, all accompanied by a biting NNW’ly wind which kept going all day. 3˚ by 8.30pm. On 16 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: After pleasant day rain came along on Thursday evening and cleared through by morning just before going to the station. Friday brought some sharp showers in London and on into the evening. Local rivers and streams were flowing brown and my garden was yet again soaked. Some early showers this morning then brightening up. Still on the cool side. Looks like the comment that Piers put on the pressure chart about the high holding off the Atlantic low as uncertain, the low has one. April forecast going well otherwise. The GWPF has some interesting articles. Dutch windmills are going broke. The good news is that this refers to the horrible new ones not the nice traditional ones. The Germans are intent on losing jobs and exporting their heavy industry by pushing for more renewables funded of course by increased costs and taxes. Our National Grid is highlighting the problems of grid management during summer with low demand. Blackouts could result from grid failure rather lack of capacity. On 15 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Cloudy with some sunny spells, not as warm as yesterday max 10 deg the light N'ly breeze making it feel cooler, after not a bad day showers around 4pm temp dropped with it, dry again early eve. 3 deg. at 22.14pm On 15 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 3˚C at 7.30, quite grey but dry until 8.30 when light rain set in, which lasted to about 11, with a few sleety bits from time to time but nothing to take seriously; I’m sure the hills will have received a dusting - any reports, RON? The NNW’ly wind was keen and cold till it abated in late afternoon but we did have lovely sunshine from about 1pm onwards, clouds streaming by but no more rain or showers, max temp 7˚, calm evening, temperature already at 1˚ at 9pm, I think we’ll be in for a frost tomorrow morning, what with the air coming straight down from the N pole, MO has the light snow symbol out for between 5 - 7am. On 15 Apr 2016, Steve,Dorset,UK. Sub wrote: O to be in England now that Spring is here, no it's gone again, wet most of the day today 15/4 not to cold though but grey and yuk, it was ok yesterday14/4 sunshine and warm springlike, the Beeb is saying that it is going to get chilly again, so this is Spring in merry old England. BREXIT sorry had to sneeze. On 15 Apr 2016, Ron Greer wrote: Just before 0900 hrs on the 15th Apr: high light cloud,, no wind, no rain, no snow---yet. Pleasant day yesterday after a really dreich one the day before. All very classic Highland April. On 14 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Some rain showers to end the day yesterday. Really foggy this morning, a drizzly shower then sunshine and overcast at times today warm & humid for a while max 12 /13 deg and then cooler later, 6 deg now at 11.32pm On 14 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 4˚C at 7.30, cloudy but the sun not far away, NE’ly wind to start with and slowly abating and turning into the NW as the day went on. The sun came out around 9am and kept on shining for the whole morning and early afternoon, despite that, max temp got to only 10˚ on account of the wind direction. Nevertheless, by evening there was a fine smell of spring in the air under the cloudy sky and temperature was down to 5˚ by 9pm. Spring or not, MO is giving us a yellow warning of snow down to 300m for tomorrow between 4 - 10am! Well, wouldn’t you know… On 13 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 5˚C at 7.30, raining and blowing a sharp NE’ly again, 3rd day in a row, and what a dreich one. Max temp only 7˚, rain intermittent after 11am, drier interludes in the afternoon and mostly dry by evening with a very short purst of evening sunshine that just manage to get through the clouds from the west, 5˚ by 8pm. Somewhat better day in prospect for tomorrow. The Continental and Scandinavian Highs are up till now not pushing the LP as far west as Piers had thought on his Euro maps but that can still change, R5 starting on Friday. On 13 Apr 2016, Gerry 45d Surrey/Kent border 223ft wrote: Some rain during Monday night but on 2mm gave way to a nice day yesterday with the warmth starting to come through. Leaving work there were lots of people outside the pubs and bars. A pleasant evening. My garden is still very soggy so hopefully with a stronger sun it will dry out. Frost this morning and only 3C at 7-30am. Luckily the station platform is in the sun and it was pleasant waiting for the train. some cloud on the way into London but then it cleared to let the sun through. I have disposed of my copy of Cameron's illegal EU propaganda pamphlet - not wear the sun doesn't shine but that had been suggested - to my local MP's office stamp free. He is a Tory that supports Call Me Dave and ignored my question about the Climate Change Act before the election. On 12 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Monday was mostly overcast with some drizzle and some dry spells too an improvement on Sunday. Today was more springlike with some nice sunshine blue sky and huge fluffy clouds, still breezy at times keeping it cooler but sleeves rolled up and nice working and listening to the birds, a lot of buzzards about too this spring. Peas and other seeds popping up here n there in the tunnel, tomatoes in the house are getting their first true leaves, felt good to feel the sun today, max 13 deg 8 now at 10 pm On 12 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 5˚C at 7.30, dry but a keen NE’ly wind again, looked like another boreal spring day though minus the sun. However, after 9.30 it did come out and we got rather sweaty in our tunnel until about midday when the sky clouded over again and it got chilly, so the layers came back on. Max temp 7˚, dry until about 8pm when drizzle set in, which apparently is a prelude for a very wet day tomorrow according to the MO, so it’ll be great to have an inside job. 5˚ at 8.30pm. On 12 Apr 2016, Ron Greer wrote: classic April easterlies, with warmer brighter weather to the west of the Grampians. We re in the 'border zone' here in Blair Atholl. Always note that the coastal; montane tree and shrub species still manage to break bud and start first. If the MET are forecasting a wet cool summer, then I'd get in the sun hat and sun cream right enough David. Was up at Corrour station on Sunday in glorious boreal spring weather with still large snow beds and a fresh cover over 700 metres, but not as much snow as last year at this time or in 2013 On 11 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: The easterly wind was cold yesterday so it was a sweatshirt and coat working outside. Out of the wind it was better and if it was in the sun then you can feel the strength. Some cloud came over during the evening. Today started bright but was cloudy in London. Some rain during the afternoon - I measured 10mm at home which is keeping the ground squelchy. Drier this evening. I haven't heard anything on last month's average so I guess the quiet from the MetO says it must be cool. So far April going the same way. Not good for their warmest year evah. On 11 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 3˚C at 7.30, frost on the car roof. Sunny start and warming rapidly, especially in the tunnel we are working in at present, but this only lasted to about 9.30 when the clouds moved in and it got progressively colder as we are now pulling in cold NE’ly air from Scandinavia via the HP over there; dry apart from a small shower in the morning. Although max temp was 7˚ it felt raw for this time of year. 6˚ by 8.30pm. On 11 Apr 2016, David (Yorkshire) wrote: Certainly a delayed start to spring, it is cool for April and no signs of a warm up just yet. I have mentioned before that looking at previous trends. It is likely to be a hot dry Summer. That goes against long range forecasts though. If met are saying cool and wet though, I might order a water butt and some sun cream. On 10 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 6˚C at 7.30, repeat performance as per yesterday: rainy morning in a SSE’ly breeze, drying up and even sunny in the afternoon, max temp 11˚. A bit more rain in the evening, 7˚ at 9pm. MO is not predicting any rise in daily max temps, feeling milder though than of late because the air circulating around the present LP system is from the Continent where it is nice and warm, though for us it is being cooled by the North Sea. The present situation corresponds to Piers’ 30d forecast and to the EU pressure maps. On 10 Apr 2016, Steve,Dorset,UK sub. wrote: On 10 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: Yes I know I was making conversation not everyone even knows what a pair of knees are let alone snow on them. Windy cloudy chilly dismal just another April day. Had to defrost the car this morning at 6am, what were you doing up at that time ,I haven't a clue I was still sleepwalking, doing the papers actually. On 10 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: Richard Brown - you can be certain the MetO will find a way to wriggle out of yet another failed forecast. Steve - I would think that snow on the Pyrenees is quite normal for this time of year. I went there in the first 2 weeks of May in 2009 and there was so much snow that some passes like the Tourmalet were closed and not certain to open until June. Returning in 2012 and 2 weeks later there was a lot less snow. East side - the stupid humans are suggesting moving entire ecosystems to where the climate is right as the animals won't be able to move quickly enough on their own! I don't think this suggestion was published on April1. Looked at 3 forecasts yesterday morning. MetO was too much rain, was none so the winner was Accuweather and a couple of bands of rain passed over. Cold wind again. Sunny spells today with a strong NE wind. Cool out of the sun but nice in my conservatory. On 10 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Beautiful starry night last night and frost forming by midnight. Really cold this morning with a 56kph ese'ly wind chill, grey with rain, 5 deg. feeling like 0 outside 2 deg in the tunnel, a day to light the fire and play board games with the kids.. On 09 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Woke up to sunshine gleaming through the window, was outside working within the hour, cold to begin and around midday some light sleet almost snow briefly for around 5mins sunshine won out and later felt quite warm for an hour. Some big clouds around. A few light drizzly showers early eve. Max temp 7 deg. 3 now at 10.30 pm Horse chestnut tree looks ready to burst into action other trees like the sycamore, rowan and maples are changing, tulips that gained growth earlier in the Spring slowed down and still not out as yet. Snow in some parts of the country this morning. On 09 Apr 2016, Richard Brown from East Yorkshire wrote: A very interesting article on TheWeatherOutlook by Matt Hugo regarding his initial thoughts for the summer. He quotes from the wonderful Met Office (among others) seasonal forecasting models which are apparently now showing signs of a wetter and cooler than average summer! The El Nino effect is is mentioned so this will be a get out of jail free card for the Met Office and their warmist allies. On 09 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 5˚C at 7.30, grey and wet with an ESE’ly wind, got a bit drier by 11am after which the sun unexpectedly appeared off and on for a few hours, max temp 9˚, clouding over again by 4pm and drizzle in the evening, 7˚ by 8pm, it does feel slightly warmer, probably because of the absence of strong winds. Trees are beginning to sprout everywhere, spring is coming, just waiting for some warmth for a growth explosion. On 09 Apr 2016, Steve,Dorset,UK sub wrote: As I said east side I haven't really started to get limbered up still in limbering up mode, I have just flown back from Spain, while over there I was sat in the sun listening to the cuckoo singing as it made it,s way back to England, I think it will be back in uk in about 10 days time. It took me 2 hours at about 38.000 ft and 520 mph ,not bad never got out of breath. Still snow on the pair of knees as I went over them. On 09 Apr 2016, east side wrote: Artic birds started big migration over the last 7 days. Check when it happened last year. You may find March and April were very cold. The animals & birds are not as stupid as us humans, they know when to move, and no CO2 intox to be brainwashed with. On 09 Apr 2016, Steve,Dorset,UK. Sub. wrote: Is it Spring yet, let me know as I am still hibernating. Cut the grass yesterday it smelt lovely, maybe it is Spring but it has been Spring since last December and I don't like it, give me a true winter and then a nice Spring, oops almost forgot and a nice summer to. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. BREXIT .... Ooops sorry that was a hiccup. On 08 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: WUWT has a post suggesting that El Nino is on its way out and fast. This could result in La Nina arriving quicker than expected to drive down the temps. Look forward to the MetO and other warmists explaining that away. Unless they fiddle the numbers again I suspect we'll hear that it is because of a natural weather event. Which of course El Nino is too and that wasn't mentioned in all the warmest evah hysteria. As if our battered electricity industry hasn't suffered enough, National Grid expect there to be an abundance of wind and solar power this Summer due to the increase in capacity created at taxpayers' expense. The telling words are that they expect to take conventional plants off line which means less income and more chance of closures for economic reasons so come winter our generation gap will grow. While saying that banks were more important than steel, Call Me Dave never mentioned the damage inflicted on the steel industry by our own governments. On 08 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 3˚C at 7.30, ice on the car roof, quite bright and getting brighter, lovely morning even though the cold E’ly wind took the edge off the warmth, max temp 11˚. Cloudier afternoon but still with a bit of sunshine from time to time. Tomorrow is apparently going to be wet according to the MO, just how wet remains to be seen; the ground is pretty wet, I’ll find out from a contractor neighbour tomorrow just how wet it is, there seem to be alternate days of dry and wet, more or less. 6˚ at 8.15pm. Pretty cold so far this month, let’s wait and see what happens next week. On 08 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Yesterday was a bit of an improvement mostly dry but cool with a few brief sunny spells, clear starry night. Overcast and only a few brief showers today so far on the cool side again max 7 deg feeling colder with a light sse'ly breeze. A single rumble of thunder earlier too.. On 08 Apr 2016, Gerry 45d Surrey/Kent border 223ft wrote: The showers and cold continue. There was even a clap of thunder in the City yesterday afternoon. A longer spell of rain on the way home but cleared in time to feed the fish and have a walk round the garden. chilly. This morning there was thin ice on a puddle and it was only 4C. CH working last night so will be interesting to compare this week's gas use with last weeks. Just before the sun went blank a spot has rotated round to make 2 visible spots. New Hampshire has just broken a 142year old record for cold and cold weather in the US could affect fruit blossom. That link between cold and food production problems again. On 07 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 5˚C at 7.30, cold N’ly wind, brightening up nicely and getting quite sunny from time to time, we were occasionally too hot in our tunnel where we also had an unexpected guest: a goldcrest, happily pecking away at minute insect larvae for a few minutes and then leaving again, charming little bird; we have quite a few of them in our forest feeding mostly on conifers. Max temp 11˚, a few light showers in the afternoon, much less than yesterday. Somewhat cloudy evening, a few stars visible, 5˚ at 9.30pm. On 07 Apr 2016, Gerry 45d Surrey/Kent border 223ft wrote: More showers today mixed in with the sunny spells. And as the ITV weather said last night - below average temps for the time of year. The wind is a chiller and was quite strong yesterday, so much so that my railway line was blocked by a fallen tree. The tree had probably been weakened by the Easter storm. Look on the bright side - at least we aren't suffering the record cold that Ontario has. Wherever it is the hottest year evah isn't there or where I live so far but with some adroit fiddling it probably will be. The solar disc is down to just the one sunspot again. WUWT has an article on a new coal burning process that although the article talks about reduced CO2 the main point is increased efficiency which should mean cheaper energy until it is either taxed out of existence, blocked from construction or killed off by CCS. Thanks to Blair any UK power station needs government approval on top of the planning process and still some think we have a free market in energy. On 06 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Windy wet mixed up day with a few sunny periods alternating with hail and rain showers, convinced myself it was almost warm enough to work around lunchtime, got out and the blue sunny sky try as it might was quickly overtook by wind blowing in dark clouds and hail, tea break then was back working in better conditions for a short while, repeated until I gave up before dinner and then so did the sun! Max 9 deg feeling cooler with the NW'ly wind around 39 kph which has dropped to around 19kph now and 4 deg with showers around 23.42 pm..Spring is feeling like a continuation of our winter here no matter how hard I work to remain optimistic!-) On 06 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 4˚C at 7.30, winds generally from a W’ly direction for most of the day, dry start but rain set in soon after 8 from a passing front, dry interlude between 10 and 12.30 but then the showers started, getting heavier as the afternoon wore on, some of them lengthy and very heavy so that everything is sodden again, this is serious April weather. In the sunny interludes temps got up to 12˚, much cooler again later, 5˚ by 9pm. On 06 Apr 2016, Rhys Jaggar wrote: Gerry There appear to be periodicities to late winter snow: in Europe, there was a 20 odd year period from about 1985 to 2004 when a paucity of early season snow in the Alps was accompanied by more plentiful late snow. Exactly why it was happening, I don't know. On 06 Apr 2016, Mark Hall (Herts, UK) wrote: Regarding Pier's letter to Cameron, I wouldn't hold my breath too long waiting for a response. These people are intellectually vacuous and unable to develop any level of curiosity about any subject. Thus they are easy meat for the Malthusian nihilists who run global warming scare campaign. I had a nice chat with Piers at the weekend and he urged me to post on this blog, because of the parsimony of scepticism from those on the left. I am still overjoyed at his brother's election as Labour leader, but you have to despair when people like John McDonnell sign petitions that demand the British Museum to sever ties with BP. He is no fool like Miliband who serves up propaganda with useful idiots at the Guardian newspaper like Monbiot. I really hope Jeremy gets his act together before the bottom of this solar cycle and the approaching Grand Minima. Energy security is paramount and many lives are at stake. On 06 Apr 2016, Gerry 45d Surrey/Kent border 223ft wrote: The April forecast is going well with showers in the south-east. And temps on the average to low side. Iceagenow has a nice report on snowfall in Syracuse NY. Sunday set a daily record of 6.6" and was the 4th snowiest April day on record. The snowiest day with 10.5" of snow was only back in 2013. Is this a trend to more April snow? Total snowfall figures for the month would be interesting with regard to such a claim. The US no doubt has its equivalents of David Viner and 'they won't know what snow is' and that the ski resorts will soon be nice and green. not Winter Park Colorado that received 101" in March. That's just shy of 8.5 feet of snow. Just as it looked like a blank solar disc was in prospect 2 new spots bloomed on the disc but the count continues to be low. On 06 Apr 2016, Lorraine Lister (sub) NZ wrote: Another cyclone for Fiji already badly flooded from the last storm On 05 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 6˚C at 7.30, grey but dry, though not for long: rain started up around 8 and carried on until midday in a cold NW’ly breeze, good job we can work in our tunnels sowing trees at this time of year, the only disadvantage being the deafening noise of the rain on the plastic. Max temp 9˚, dry afternoon with even a few breaks of sunshine, cloudy evening but with a few stars here and there in the breaks, 6˚ by 10pm. On 05 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Yesterday started with some drizzle but actually cleared & stayed dry with some huge clouds and sunny spells for a good while, clouded over late afternoon with big dark clouds moving in and some heavyish showers, reports of thunder around some counties. Some mist and very light frost in sheltered spots early this morning a couple of short showers then dry for most of the day, very chilly but warmed up by the afternoon with some sunnier spells then too after a cloudy late morn. Max 10 deg more rain came in this evening. On 05 Apr 2016, Paul, Beds wrote: Anyone here heard of the late astronomer Munoz Ferrada. Among other things he is said to have calculated the existence of recently discovered planet nine decades ago and was able to predict earthquakes with great accuracy? Any truth in all this? On 04 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: Like Saturday, yesterday went downhill in the afternoon. Working outside on manual work was fine in a t-shirt but a coat was needed later. Cloud increased and after an attempt at rain a dark grey cloud slowly advanced until after 6pm the first rumble of thunder could be heard. Then with flashes of lighting the storm rolled over and unleashed a powerful downpour. It passed over quite quickly and then later there was some more rain before it cleared overnight. Some cloud today but mainly sunny except for a rain shower that passed over during the afternoon. I found out from a neighbour that last Wednesday shower was in fact a hailstorm that made the ground white. Re the MetO and March extremes - WUWT has a post on March UAH temps which was the 3rd warmest in their record. However, more interesting is the map that shows most of the UK lies in -0.5 to 0.5 band. Scotland lies in the 0.5 to 1.5 range hence the max for the UK. Along the Channel it was -1.5 to -0.5. On 04 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 6˚C at 7.30, foggy and grey, rain starting after 8 and lasting most of the day, with a short break around midday, really heavy from mid to late afternoon, E - NE’ly wind, one of these spring days that could just as easily be in autumn, max temp 8˚, still raining at 10pm and looks like it will keep going all night, 5˚. This is a real setback for the farmers as the ground is now soaking again. On 04 Apr 2016, Steve Devine wrote: Saw an interesting tweet from the MetO earlier today about March extremes; Highest max was 18.7c in Braemar, lowest temp was -8.1c in Altnaharra, deepest snow 17m in Malham Tarn and strongest gust was 106mph in Needles (IOW). Wow! On 04 Apr 2016, Steve Devine wrote: It's quiet in here today! What a strange weekend that was. Glorious for Saturday, disappointing Sunday and it poured down last night to boot. Meanwhile, major flooding in NW India and Pakistan On 03 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: A dry overcast start a few glimpses of sun during the day and some showers mixed in too, mostly dark sky though. Garden very soggy so a little time in the Polytunnel instead, a bit breezy also for a time max temp 11 deg milder overnight atm still 7 deg now just b4 midnight. On 03 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 6˚C at 7.30, foggy with rain, occasionally heavy & lasting for much of the morning, dry after 11am but still with high fog, max temp 8˚. By 6pm there was a glimmer on the western horizon, the clouds lifted and we had a sunny evening, 5˚ by 10pm, SE’ly breeze all day. More rain forecast for tomorrow, looks like we’re going to be stuck under LP all week according to MO. On 03 Apr 2016, David (Yorkshire) wrote: Finally got round to trying to sort the lawn out today but I have never known it so damp and boggy, under the grass as it is now. This is a result a very wet winter in these parts. On 03 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: The sun gave way to a gradual increase in cloud with rain by late afternoon going into the evening. Rainfall totalled 1/4". Today it is mainly sunny so far and at midday the temp has reached mid 50s or 12C. Wind is from the SW and light. The increase in the strength of the sun certainly helps reduce my gas bill as the house stores up the heat so much that the heating hardly comes on. Add to that an open fire and it is nice and cosy. The conservatory acts as a heat trap which also helps if the door to the house is left open and shut once the heat dissipates. It seems that the weather played an April fool on central Germany. Or April April as they say. The states of Hessen and Thuringen got a dump of snow causing traffic chaos with crashes blocking roads and even the autobahn. On 02 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Drizzle rain wind grey sky day with high humidity.. 8 deg now at 23.51pm and more drizzle.. On 02 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 4˚C at 7.30, cloud on the eastern horizon but the sun rose above it after 8am, SW’ly breeze all day, somewhat less cold than of late, 13˚ max. We went inland into a sheltered valley and experienced around 15˚, a lovely sunny spring day though still with a cool edge, high cloud, altostratus, gradually taking over. Tomorrow looks like another grey and damp day, drizzle already at 9pm tonight with 7˚. On 02 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: So if you tax the gas enough - or bankrupt it from the start by insisting on carbon capture - and chuck enough taxpayers' cash at the solar, plus agreed expensive energy charges and a requirement that the energy companies must use it first, you get the specious claim from the green blob that solar is the same or cheaper(!!!) than fossil fuel. If you don't have the battery and there were good comments about where to find the space for the water storage and the water itself, then you are back to back-up generation. And here the problem is inefficient running of the plant, rapidly fluctuating demand, and with growing 'renewables' a dwindling output that makes the plant uneconomic. Which is where we are heading. But to the rescue comes the government with its unending supply of taxpayers' cash to now subsidise the fossil fuel generation that if left alone would provide cheap 24/7 power. Lovely day here so far with a buzzard over the fields. Even the ground is drying nicely. On 02 Apr 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: Post on WUWT that the temp for March in the UAH (unfiddled) temp record has dropped from Feb peak. So that seems to be game over for the El Nino and the only way is down. Interesting thread post there by Bob Weber about recent low levels of TSI so there is nothing there to help the warmists but I am sure they will make something up. Curious observation - spaceweather text notes that there is only one sunspot on the disc and clearly shows it. So why is the sunspot number 11? Also on WUWT is a cost comparison of upfront cost of solar vs gas generation plant. Solar uses pumped hydro as the 'battery'. The main number is the 14 times more expensive the solar is. Following the numbers back you find how much bigger the solar has to be than the gas plant to supply the same 24/7 output. Note that the post does not cover running costs but you can see the deficit the solar has to make up from the start. Enter government manipulation with tax on gas and subsidy for solar. Cont'd.... On 01 Apr 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 3˚C at 7.30, strong S’ly wind lasting all day, dry at first, rain starting around 9am light but constant, still going now at 9.30pm. Max temp 7˚, down to 6˚ by same time. Better day tomorrow according to MO. On 01 Apr 2016, Gerry 45d Surrey/Kent border 223ft wrote: Well said Richard. They seem to be compliant in the carbon tax cover-up. Even when the energy companies are being criticized they don't mention it, but then they are up to their necks in the 'renewables' scam and don't want to hurt the hand that feeds them taxpayers' cash. Blue Labour are busy selling us out to the Chinese and are so demented they are campaigning for China to receive free market status that will send the whole of the EU into economic meltdown. Still with an ever-increasing pile of debt you can't accuse Osborne of being economically competent. Wednesday delivered 3/4" of rain from somewhere and I have water actually flowing in my orchard. Clear last night after a lovely day and nice stored warmth in the house. Gone by morning with frost and a temp just above freezing. Wind has swung round as the airports have changed to eastern pattern. On 01 Apr 2016, Mike (45 day subs) wrote: Happy April Fools Day to the CO2 Warmers. Just wondering when the 30 Day forecast for April will be issued to subscribers? The UK weather seems to be in a state of flux at the moment. There are the briefest hints of Spring but then it fizzles out again. Even the weekend and early next week forecast seems to be changing each hour from the MET OFFICE and I am having great difficult reconciling it with the WA Summary April forecast issued in mid March.! On 01 Apr 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: The wind and rain is back in time for Piers R3 forecast period, miserable day compared to yesterday, looking forward to April forecast as March was really helpful, here's hoping temperatures improve for the growing season as loads of seeds to plant and spuds n onions to get in the ground, looking like unsettled for a while though.. On 31 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Stayed nice mostly all day on the warmer side of 10 deg just :) cloud moved in with the sun still getting through and the wind picked up from nowhere mid afternoon, but only for about 5 minutes and felt like it was rotating around me and concluded with blowing the heavy trellis I was painting nearly on my head then went still, light sw breeze tonight mostly clear and 6 deg at 22.43pm On 31 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 0˚C at 7.30, marginally less cold, bright sunshine all day with relatively few clouds, cold S’ly wind though which didn’t allow the temperature to rise above 11˚. The HP will have moved out of the way by tomorrow, so we can expect a mucky day. 4˚ by 10pm with only a few stars visible. On 31 Mar 2016, richard [subs east mids] wrote: Funny how Uk press do not report the main claim of Tata is the crippling cost of energy because of carbon taxes. So carbon taxes are doing and will continue to do what they intended. De industrialising or rather transfering industrialisation to non carbon tax countries. Funnily enough china is one of the main recipients of our carbon tax money [that you pay through your energy bills and upon anything that needs energy to be made or moved]. So as they like to say for them its a 'win win'. Carbon taxes are based upon a fraud that destroy jobs and lives as surely as any wave of bombers would. On 31 Mar 2016, Maria (Ireland sub) wrote: A widespread hard frost yesterday morning total white out, beautiful small ice ferns on the garage windows, took a little longer to clear but turned into a lovely sunny morning, some cloud and showers some with hail later but again dry spells between, on the cool side again of 10 deg. Another great cold clear star gazing night with a slight frost following but not as hard as yesterday, lovely sunshine this morning 2 deg at 8.30 a.m feels like -1 On 30 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: -1˚C at 7.30, good old grass &open earth frost but bright sunshine which made the temperature climb pretty quickly, but only to 12˚max as we were back in a NW’ly airstream. There was also dense cloud cover at times and we had pretty hefty rain between 6-7.30pm; whenever the sun was obscured it got chilly pretty quickly. 4˚ by 9.30pm. On 30 Mar 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: Interesting day. Lots of sunshine in London and work required a stroll around the City at the end of the day. Lovely red sky visible from the train on the last leg home but also evidence of some rain that London never got. Sharp shower driving home from the station but also noticed a lot of surface water. At home there were puddles indicating some very heavy rain at some point. EDF are struggling to find the money for Hinckley, added to which the chosen technology has yet to work. They have been promised a ridiculously high unit price but 'renewable energy' takes priority so they have concerns that they won't be required enough to cover the costs. With the amount of generating plant being closed this year next winter should see the blackouts start if we get a cold still spell. Congratulations to Red and Blue Labour for the mess they have made of our electricity industry and bringing the steel industry to its knees. They have to pay nearly double the EU average for electricity. On 30 Mar 2016, Dave 30 subs Suffolk wrote: Looks like problems at t'mill for EDF maybe backing down from Hinkley Point, but irrespective there will be a huge energy deficit to come in the next few years. All talk of all electric HS2 maybe should focus on clockwork trains. Should HS2 funding go to home financed Nuclear? On 29 Mar 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: Some nice sunny spells today but with a very sharp shower mid-morning where the sky went a deep grey. Late afternoon a more prolonged spell of rain, including some heavy bursts came over. Cool again. On 29 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Frost in places to start clearing with some sunshine, partly cloudy with showers some of hail with a fresh wind for a time, some more sunny dry spells mixed in with showers. Max 7-8 deg. felt cooler, 3 now at 10.20 pm. On 29 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 1˚C at 7.30, frost on the car roof, quite sunny to start with, a cold S’ly wind which kept going all day, cloud moving in and out with a few light showers but sunny intervals from time to time, max temp 10˚, down to 4˚ by 9.30pm under a cloudy sky. In all a reasonably pleasant day. On 29 Mar 2016, Dave 30 subs Suffolk wrote: More on wind, has anyone done an analysis of the Gridwatch data? Looks like about 7.9% to me On 28 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: At 2.30 a.m there was some frost on the grass and outside wood table, lovely starry sky, frost had cleared quickly this morning with the sun and although it was breezy keeping it cool it was a good enough morning to get some work done outside. A few quick showery spells then the sun came back out and felt quite warm on the back of my jumper, some amazing clouds then a hail shower for about 5 or 10 mins around late afternoon and temp dropped, shut the Polytunnel door and temp was 17 in there and had dropped from 28 earlier afternoon when I'd opened it up. Around 10 deg max today. A few more showers but now a partly cloudy night around 4 deg at 23.41 pm On 28 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 0˚C at 7.30, frost on the car roof, but the sun was soon out and we had great spring day, even with the N’ly breeze blowing, max temp 11˚, dry and some lovely towering cumulus clouds, down to 4˚ under a partly cloudy sky. Certainly agree with Gerry on a cool March, don’t mind though as I’m always behind with stuff in spring. On 28 Mar 2016, Dave (Elec) wrote: Yes, 11% UK elec produced by wind - no lies there. On 28 Mar 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: That was quite a storm that passed through. Very noisy and resulting in a broken fencepost and an overturned swingseat. 1.3" of rain that has produced numerous puddles in my orchard. Last Thursday brought a grey day with 0.4" of rain.Good Friday was blue sky and warm sun all the way with so much heat building up in my house that the heating hardly came on that evening. All change Saturday though with showers and a drop in temperature. More of the same on Sunday and with the storm starting to build from midnight. The wind dropped around 10am to bring sunshine and the odd heavy shower. Still cool. So far I would have March on the cool side. On 28 Mar 2016, richard [subs east mids] wrote: Also i find any one model will usually cover most scenarios depending upon what day you look at them. Basically their forecasts are so moveable its meaningless On 28 Mar 2016, richard [subs east mids] wrote: Nick- their models are online but Gav vids did a summary of the models [with links on his page] for summer and they covered the whole range from warmer dry to colder wet so one of them will be able to claim they right lol see First Summer 2016 Update (27/03/16) On 28 Mar 2016, Nick, Berks wrote: Richard, where did you see a Met Office summer forecast? On 28 Mar 2016, Piers_corbyn Gaffer London wrote: RUSS! How does 11yr solar cycle fit in this observation? Surely judging by the proportion of news is lies there should be more 11s around. Some 11s to note: cricket 11, 9/11, armistice 11m on 11th of 11th but so.... Anyhow HAPPY EASTER HOL ALL! TODAY IS LAST DAY OF EASTER 2/3 OFF for 12m new subs or extensions. Take advantage and pass on? Thanks cheers Piers On 28 Mar 2016, Russ NE D'shire wrote: Michael and Nick Re: "Did anyone see Countryfile on Sunday when the disgraceful liar Tom whoever said that "Wind farms"currently produce 11% of our energy.How are these people allowed to get away with such blatant lies to a viewinf audience of over 7 million?" ...... Follow the number 11 which is the code for deception, lies, cover-up, misleading figures etc. It took me around 20 years to finally prove to myself that 11 is definately used as a signal, to those who know, that the story/numbers just mentioned are lies. The Initials of Climate Change or CC in Roman Numerals equal 100 - 100. Just add the two 1's to make 11. If you can find an 11 in the name, title, figures, percentages especially, then you can guarantee that you are seeing something fraudulent. This goes against the teachings of 'public' Masonic numerology and tea-leaf reading Tarot Card numerology and astrology etc.. But keep what I just told you in mind when you see figures like 11% used in the'll soon see. On 27 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 4˚C at 7.30, actually a lovely Easter Sunday, admittedly with a blustery SW’ly wind all day but sunny and relatively warm at 12˚ max, down to 5˚ by 10pm. On 27 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Not too bad mid-late morning just enough time with some sunny spells to do the kids an Easter egg hunt, lashed done rain just after and some strong breezes, remainder of the day was scattered squally showers with some sunny dryer spells thrown in, max 8 deg, clear still and cool this evening, 5 deg now at 9.30 pm On 27 Mar 2016, Ron Greer wrote: Richard:--oops bound to be a scorcher then! Frequent squally, sleety showers today with quite a bit of fresh snow above 2090ft On 27 Mar 2016, richard [subs east mids] wrote: Just for the record i see the current Met model is prediciting a cool and wet summer. On 27 Mar 2016, David (Yorkshire) wrote: The weather is certainly going downhill just as forecast. Looks terrible tommorrow but then again it is a bank holiday monday, so no suprise really. On 26 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Wet rainy early morning a fair amount in a short time, clearing around late morning, temp reached 9/10 deg outside some brief sunny moments & 22 deg inside the Polytunnel by lunchtime, after the wind increased the sky darkened and an almighty hail shower around 2.45 pm kicked off, the temp dramatically dropped to 13 deg in the tunnel where just before I almost opened the door it was so warm in there. Cooler out late afternoon a few more showers. Cool clear and very starry atm 10.23pm On 26 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 7˚C at 7.30, raining lightly from a dense cloud cover which lasted all day and produced much heavier rain in the afternoon, max temp 7˚, all accompanied by a sharp S’ly wind, down to 6˚ by 10pm and still very windy but feeling relatively mild. On 26 Mar 2016, Lee Barrett wrote: Hi Piers I hope ur well & enjoying ur Easter holidays and bullseye!!! for getting this Easter weekend weather spot on and keep up the smashing work :-) On 25 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 2˚C at 7.30, clear as a bell and sunny all morning, though with a stiff SW’ly wind, max temp 13˚, cloudier afternoon with strengthening wind, 7˚ at 9pm. According to the MO we’re going to have a wet day tomorrow; with us, Easter is almost always cold even when sunny and this year looks to be pretty much just that. Today was an excellent day though, we actually had a picnic outside in a forest. On 25 Mar 2016, Geoff Hood wrote: NE London, I inspected 30 beehives Thursday and Today and comared to last year the Bees are, all except one,a fortnight behind last year biuld up of bees On 25 Mar 2016, Rhys Jaggar wrote: The spring plant temperature sensors say that we are cooler this March than past two years. First comfrey leaves only just appearing, first plum bud opening only just happened, no blossom yet on pear tree and weeds/grass in veg patches/paths only now starting to emerge. It's not a thermometer, but it is a sign of what temperature plants think it is in NW London. On 25 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Sunshine replaced by clouds and weather on the change again as we knew it would be, fresh ssw'ly wind has been picking up over the last couple of hours max temp 10 deg around 8 now at 4.50 pm time to down tools and recharge for a few days.. On 25 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Rain showers passed through quite quickly yesterday and after midday the afternoon was dry enough to get back outside. Clear starry sky for a time last night with a few clouds around the moon and slight halo effect too. Such skill as forecasted by Piers we have blue sky and sunshine so far today making it feel like a sweet spring morning great stuff PC :-) On 25 Mar 2016, Ron Greer wrote: ANDY: The item goes on to Facebook stating Ice Age Now, but the title is not given, so nobody knows what the item is about. You can check it on news feed or on my account. On 24 Mar 2016, AndyB 45d sub @250ft wrote: Ron I put this link on facebook with no problem On 24 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 5˚C at 7.30, raining lightly after a dry start & carrying on until 10am, sun coming out towards midday & warming up, strong SW’ly wind for a while, so max temp was only 11˚. Cloudy afternoon, short spell of rain around 6pm, 5˚C at 9.30pm. On 24 Mar 2016, @Piers_Corbyn (twitter) London, Chief forecaster wrote: CITIZENS ALL! Happy MaundayThursday === Hello NewZealand I am glad you rejected the FernLeaf or was it a stretched fig-leaf flag - how limp and meaningless (to me anyhow) === ALL I AM TOTALLY PUZZLED NO-ONE TODAY Maunday Thursday has YET 7pm GMT taken up our MaundayThursday fab offer 2/3OFF for 12m UK+Eire, Eu or USA to get more subscribers on board and give a hand to any who want to extend subs now (beyond wherever they reach at present) at a super low rate. Enlighten me! Subscribe for weather wisdom! Thanks On 24 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Sunny start for a short time yesterday, then clouding over & a light shower around midday with more persistant showers on n off all afternoon. On the cool side max 9 deg. Woke to rain again this morning with a sw breeze.. On 24 Mar 2016, richard [subs east mids] wrote: the great scam behind windmills is that millionaires make a mint in the wealth transfer from the many to the few. The govt keeps choosing offshore [the most expensive] and who profits is the monarchy who own the foreshore and shelf. It was like the subsidy for heat pumps earth heating. A few, including the monarchy, snapped up the quota of subsidy before anyone knew about it. Now its stopped. Free money if you in the know. On 24 Mar 2016, Lorraine Lister (sub) NZ wrote: More on the flooding in Motueka (where we live) and Riwaka which shows the extent of the flooding On 24 Mar 2016, Lorraine Lister (sub) NZ wrote: Torrential overnight rain in our region (Tasman) and Franz Josef on the West Coast. The rain gauge overflowed so I we had more than 120 mm in Motueka. On 23 Mar 2016, Ron Greer wrote: Facebook are apparently not allowing the titles of Ice Age Now articles to be transferred On 23 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 6˚C at 7.30, grey for most of the day in a light W’ly breeze, much cooler than yesterday. We did have a little sunshine late morning but the afternoon was quite cold under the thick cloud cover, max temp 12˚. Some late sunshine in the evening and now a clear moonlit night, 3˚ at 9pm. Lasting dry weather is much appreciated though, our daffodils here are only beginning to come out. On 23 Mar 2016, Lorraine wrote: Lorraine// another 10 inches of snow in Beaver creek mountain according to their web page today taking they say the monthly snow fall to 58 inches - would love to know if this is not usual in the last 20 years On 23 Mar 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: I searched for the said National Grid report and could not find it. The site linked to is a green energy site and needed to be signed up to read more so I would say the jury is out until the actual report is sighted. There is a lot of lying about windmills as the capacity is quoted along with a lot of houses that could be supplied but there is no mention of the actual output which is down around the 20-30% level which would strike most people as very inefficient. If it is true that the percentage of our electricity that is wind generated is growing, then the problems will grow with it. The greater the amount then the more variable is the supply and the harder it is to balance the load. This leads to a greater chance of blackouts due to grid failure. It will also reduce the viability of the back-up generation so more of it is likely to close down. So to keep it open, more of our taxes will have to be used on top of the windmill subsidies. Lose-lose for us. On 23 Mar 2016, Ron Greer wrote: Went up the 19 miles to Dalwhinnie today, reputed to be one of the highest and the coldest permanently inhabited villages in the UK. With scudding clouds and the corries of Ben Alder and Ben Udhlaman still metres deep in snow, it certainly looked like it. Nonetheless frogs have started spawning and Alder catkins and Pussy Willow catkins flushing. In 2013 there were still Daffodils out here in the first week of June, but look a wee bit more advanced this year. On 23 Mar 2016, richard [subs east mids] wrote: i remember when Countryfile replaced Farming Today which was a much better programme. Therew was great outcry at the time about dumbing down. On 23 Mar 2016, Michael wrote: Nick,you know that I was referring to electricity,and the blatent lie is that wind does not produce anything like 11%.More like 1 - 2% when the wind is blowing,which is not for hughly long periods nationally. On 23 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: ( I thought it was just our internet out here as I couldn't get on till this morning either :) On the cool side all day very grey with no wind or sunshine, max 9 deg. The return of the menacing midges getting there multiple lil bites in me the last couple of days aggh! but a great dry spell recently to get heaps done, some hedging up the road greening up a little in the last week. Mowed some of the grass and more off it than last years first cut. No frogspawn as yet in the pond, 5 deg now just after midnight. Met here have been changing their timing of rain due all week from Wed night.. Tues..Wed morning.. On 22 Mar 2016, BLACK PEARL wrote: Just listened to some of that Big Ques. show. For what its worth Piers gutsy move for participating. For want of a better description, must have been like an 'African' turning up at a Klu Klux Clan meeting On 22 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: ... cont. Mar 22: 6˚C at 7.30, a day of sunshine and clouds with cool breezes varying from NW’ly to SE’ly. When the sun was out it got really warm, max temp 15˚, but as soon as it disappeared if felt cold and the jacket came back on. Still 10˚ at 6pm under a now cloudy sky. Great that everything is drying fast now. On 22 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: For some reason, I have not been able to upload my obs Sunday & yesterday ("Connection was reset"), so here is 3 days' worth: Mar 20: 6˚C at 7.30 and actually sunny, though with a good bit of cloud, a change in the air even though we still had a sharp & cool N’ly breeze. We went some 30 miles south today for a walk and were basking in sunshine at around 12˚ but returned home to much cloudier conditions where the max temp had been only 8˚. Clear sky later though with 5˚ at 10pm and a temp of 5˚. There is a change in the air though, you can smell the growing grass, anyone who lives in the country knows this smell. Equinox this morning early at 4.30. + Mar 21: 6˚C at 7.30, NW’ly breeze which strengthened gradually during the day, quite sunny for the whole of the day, max temp 13˚, a definite whiff of spring in the air, the change is happening, however slowly. Still 9˚ at 9pm. On 22 Mar 2016, Rob Horler wrote: Just watched the Campbell show and was pretty disgusted. How can he get away with the introduction involving a Trump smear? Hardly the treatment the others got. Usual cherry picked audience and smugness from opposing debaters. I see David Boothroyd of Wikepedia fame was in on the smearing as well. Complaints needed. On 22 Mar 2016, Nick, Berks wrote: Michael, re Countryfile and wind. If you are going to give such emotional denouncements it really would be helpful for debate if you were more specific and backed yourself up with data. I hadn't seen the segment so I went back to listen to it. Tom Heap very clearly says 11% of electricity (not energy). In that respect he appears to be backed up by Government statistics e.g. from here:, are more difficult to pull together into a single up to date figure but they are consistent. Just what is your basis for calling his statement a 'blatant lie'? On 22 Mar 2016, @Piers_Corbyn (twitter) London, Chief forecaster wrote: THANKS ALL GEOFF, RHYS, GERRY Well said support appreciated. The atmosphere afterwards off screen was however surprisingly supportive given the BBC assumed political environmenment with many people saying well done and discussing further and the Green warmistas-delusionstas hurrying away as I approached them and when I managed to corner them asking them to come to a public debate anytime anyplace. They refused and refused suggestion to send someone else! LOL. ++++ EASTER IS COMING! MIKE+ALL READ FORECAST CAREFULLY because of rapid changes ++++ ALL HURRY - SUBSCRIBE! NOW IS TIME to get superb 50% 12mth offers AND STACKS OF FREEBIES if you subscribe (including adding to existing subs) to B+I WHOLE SPRING OFFER which carries with it 3 months (still with this an EXTRA last day LAST DAY of 3 free, it will be 2 from tomorrow) free extension for overlaps with WHOLE SPRING. GET WISE AND Support fight for evidence based science! Thank you Pass it on On 22 Mar 2016, Michael wrote: Did anyone see Countryfile on Sunday when the disgraceful liar Tom whoever said that "Wind farms"currently produce 11% of our energy.How are these people allowed to get away with such blatant lies to a viewinf audience of over 7 million? On 22 Mar 2016, Geoff wrote: watched with disgust the People's Witch Hunter Court (Germany post Stauffenberg though as yet minus piano wire- just give them time.Moscow 1937 on might also have hosted similar parties. China under the Great Mao-defenestration classes for kiddies). A useful reminder of what we are up against (including, I suspect, more than a few £3 owners of the Labour Party amongst their number) Well done Piers in standing up to the bullies and defending the Scientific case- sad that one can claim to be a scientist and yet to be under no obligation to consider evidence rather than doctrine. But that is the way of the Cults through time. Open minds ought to trump vacant ones but it is going to be a hard row to hoe. On 22 Mar 2016, Mike (45d subs) wrote: I'm all set for the burst of Spring. Have bought the BBQ charcoal and got the sunchairs down from the loft. Can't wait for some decent warm and sunny weather over Easter! On 22 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Last couple of days have been dry but cool & cloudy max 9 deg. Looks like rain on the cards from tomorrow.. On 20 Mar 2016, richard [subs east mids] wrote: mmm. i see there is a new campaign to smear piers again and they are claiming this article as the final word on why you should ignore piers science On 20 Mar 2016, Rhys Jaggar wrote: Disgraceful BBC bias you were up against this morning. Framing the agenda as 'the science is settled, how to swat the skeptics?' The presenter should be sacked for gross professional misconduct. On 20 Mar 2016, Gerry Surrey/Kent border 223ft 45d wrote: Well said east side. Booker today comments on another Blue Labour idiot - Andrea Leadsom - who is laughably called an 'energy minister' while ensuring that we won't have any. She is proposing that on top of the Red and Blue Labour Climate Change Act we should embrace the Paris non-treaty and sign up to no fossil fuel generation. Even in the echo chamber of her brain cavity there is a realisation that the wind doesn't blow all the time and that something else is needed. Ah yes, the world's most expensive nuclear plant at Hinckley to produce expensive electricity if the design ever works - how's it going in Finland? Oh, no power yet - keep trying. People claim that our energy problems are due to privatisation - wrong. It is all down to the government and their crazed energy policy that is deterring investment. High pressure still dominates and it is still chilly here. Grey cloud mostly but the sun has come through briefly today. Cold wind persists. On 20 Mar 2016, east side wrote: 3 weeks of cold weather in Eastern France have just gone by.Frost every night down to -5C. Heavy snow in the alps has made the late ski season a paradise, & all this apparently in the "warmest winter in 100 years"! French media are long gone as global warming perverts. Nothing can be done. There's also nothing you can do to convince them to give up the mad rush away from the incredibly successful & overwhelmingly SAFE french nuclear power industry to some sort of eco-nirvana sold by that stupid unsuccessful ex-presidential hopeful media seeking "has-been" Ségolène! Why do unsuccessful politicians like Gore & her have to spout such unscientific bollox? French NPP supplied 3/4 of electricity, giving multi-decadal massive boosts to french industry & high speed train transport like the TGV. Now they go backwards to 50% & de-industrialisation/high prices,with the erection of thousands of unsightly propellors all over the country, just as they have in "coal fired" Germany! On 20 Mar 2016, Paul, Beds wrote: Any chance of a forecast for June 23rd (Referendum day) Piers. With polls and even the prime minister suggesting the result could hinge on getting unenthusiastic "remainers" to turn out at the polls the weather could well be crucial with poor weather favouring Brexit? On 19 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 5˚C at 7.30, wall to wall grey again, though with a subtle change: the breeze has changed into the NW and we now have hues of blue & purple in the clouds, even a glimps of pale sun for a short moment, max temp 8˚, down to 3˚ by 10.30pm under a clear moonlit sky, wow, we haven’t had that for ages! On 19 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: 18/3/16 Woke at 7.30 a.m to cold frost and fog so back to bed till 9.30 a.m to rest up and let the sun clear things up, from around 10 a.m sun was mostly shining through all day, nice blue sky was refreshing, though too hot in a coat working 3 tops & a jumper too cold when sitting still for a break. Max 10 deg ENE light breeze keeping it cool and fog returning by eve. No frost as yet outside at 1.30 a.m feeling around 2 or 3 deg. Paddy yeah a hot toddy is prob more appropriate Spring is not quite in gear here yet either :-) On 18 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 4˚C at 7.30, grey and cool with a sharp N’ly breeze, while Braemar apparently had 18˚ yesterday! We only got to 8˚ max again, down to 5˚ by 9pm, at least is was dry. I have to laugh how it says on the old-fashioned domestic barometers “Fair” when pressure is high, “Murky and cold” would be more appropriate. On 18 Mar 2016, Gerry 45d 223ft Surrey/Kent border wrote: After the days of blue skies and sun, today is overcast but bright. While the sun has been warm, the days have not been. The wind direction would seem to be the cause as it is between east and north. The airports have been on easterly patterns for a while now. Important! Don't forget that it is Electricity Hour tomorrow night where you turn on all your lights for an hour to celebrate the great invention of electricity - especially generated reliably 24/7 by fossil fuels - that allows our modern society to function. Greenies will be turning their lights off to get an understanding of what their climate change policies inflict on developing nations and to demonstrate that they are themselves dim. Of course, this year will be the last where we will have reliable 24/7 electricity as coal plants are closed by diktat or for economic reasons so that demand will outstrip generation come next winter. Generator anyone? On 17 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 4˚C at 7.30, another grey day but with less drizzle, light NE breeze, though 9˚ max temp it didn’t feel like it, down to 5˚ by 9.30pm, more like cocoa or hot toddy here than beer weather, Maria :-) On 17 Mar 2016, Maria ( Ireland sub ) wrote: Another dry day although a bit parky temps only reaching 9 max after a light frost to begin, mostly cloudy with some glimpses of sun but a dry St Patricks day so that was great, temp falling to 3 deg now at 8pm and another frost likely tonight, off to crack a beer as thirsty with all this outside lifestyle :) On 17 Mar 2016, Lorraine wrote: Lorraine// Beaver Creek Mountain you can acces this site on Facebook it's out in mid to west America probably nearer colarado anyway wild photographs on their of heavy snowfall which is unusual for the amount at this time of year. It's a natural area of wild nature and ski ing for powder On 16 Mar 2016, Paddy (Aberdeen south, 130m elevation, sub) wrote: 5˚C at 7.30, light drizzle which continued to midday, light ENE’ly breeze, max temp 7˚ and unlike Ron, we had yet another dreich day where you break into a sweat working but when you take off your jacket it doesn’t take long to feel cold again even in the slight breeze. 5˚ at 9.30pm. == Haha, Ron, the IDS of March :-) brilliant! There is a pretty damning article about him in this week’s Private Eye in the Brexit Humbug Special column. On 16 Mar 2016, Ron Greer wrote: glorious boreo -Arctic spring day yesterday up at Loch Treig, just down from the Corrour station on the West Highland Railway. Clear blue skies highlighting the snow topped hills of the Mamores and Ben Nevis. Flat calm loch reflecting the hills and enough warmth for insects to be out and down to fishing in shirts sleeves. Caught SFA, but who cares on a day as wonderful as that. It's not the Ides of March that worry me, but that guy, the IDS of March and every other month of the year. On 15 Mar 2016, @Piers_Corbyn twitter, London, Chief forecaster wrote: AND Beware the Ides of March or in this case Look around carefully on the Ides. DONT FORGET if you also (or already) subscribe to the BI WHOLE-SPRING-NOW the 3 months of overlap with any sub to BI 30d, 45d, 75d, 100d or THE LOT give you 3 months extension of that sub worth 33, 60, 150, 210, 240 quid respectively. It's a no-brainer that now is time to subscribe / renew (including extension of existing subs) before we take charges back out of offer. Thanks! On 15 Mar 2016, @Piers_Corbyn twitter address, London, Chief forecaster. wrote: GREAT COMMENTS & NEWS ALL. THANK YOU. I trust you have been enjoying exciting rapid contrasts with snow and cold blasts in March both sides of Atlantic, as forecast. APRIL BI is now loaded today 15th March in 45d and MAY now loaded into 75d (and is also in 100d which updates to JUNE on 22nd March). +++ LOOK at NEW offers to get 6/12m subs for only 4/6 charges in ALL BI Eu USA services as well as THE LOT (All 100d ahead). BEST BUY DAY IS TODAY / ASAP when you get maximum forecast-days from 45d, 75d forecasts. |