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Welcome to WeatherAction
- world leaders in Long Range Weather & Climate Forecasting

Piers Corbyn

Piers Corbyn, astrophysicist, Managing Director and founder of WeatherAction LongRange forecasters
presenting at Electric-Universe Conference, Albequerque New Mexico USA, March 2014

For world-leading Long-Range Forecasts and News Click on News & Forecasts 
beside home page button. 

Go Straight to On Line SHOP =>Click here to get pricesbuy forecasts and support WeatherAction Research

When you buy, any overlaps with existing subs (inc 100day / 5 month ahead Forecasts) get appropriate free extensions so you don't lose out.

You can also DONATE Directly or do so for Powerpoint of Piers Corbyn's amazing 2017 presentation: Long-Range forecasting and the CO2 Climate Con.

All Services are inclusive of all updates as they arise.

For WeatherAction comments on issues of our time; Mission statement; exposure of the CO2/greenhouse fake Climate Change story and (popular) continuously Updating Solar related & Solar Wind data see below

For The Pamphlet "Man-Made Climate change does Not Exist" by Piers Corbyn and Philip Foster go to 
- Copy and open in Google for download. 

Statement from Piers Corbyn on CV19 story (2020):-
"#Covid19-Alarm has replaced #ClimateChange-Alarm as the main propaganda tool of the megaRich and Mega Corporations for their declared NewNormal / NewWorldOrder world plunder and control scheming to end democracy and destroy Rights.
"These are strange times indeed when a LongRange Weather forecasting company actively discusses such political things; but make no mistake the totalitarian nature of this NewNormal / NewWorldOrder project is THE end of Science and THE end of democracy. Both ClimateChange propaganda and CV19 contagion propaganda rely on falsification of data and negation of evidence-based science. THAT REQUIRES the negation of democracy because it is through democratic debate based on evidence of the real world that science of the real world is advanced. Most academic institutions and official science and technology bodies are now prisoners of the propaganda machine and as in Nazi Germany - where 'contagion' was the key to coercion - and the Stalinist USSR, the "science" they propagate is for the political spectacle not the understanding of the living and physical universe."

WeatherAction Mission Statement

1. Long Range Forecasting.
WeatherAction will develop and extend Piers Corbyn's revolutionary world-leading Solar based method* of Long Range forecasting to include all countries of the world months and years ahead particularly for extreme and dangerous events. The background physics principles behind the methodare available in presentations** and will be published in full in due course. *Solar-Lunar-Action-Technique **see eg links on Right hand page

2. Environmental policy
WeatherAction supports True-Green-Policies to defend biodiversity and wild-life and reduce chemical and particulate pollution and points out that CO2 is not a pollutant but the Gas-Of-Life (plant food).

3. Evidence based science
WeatherAction defends evidence-based science and policy making as the ONLY science. WeatherAction completely supports campaigns for GeoEthical accountability and CLEXIT - Exit from UN Climate Change Deals and against data fraud and political manipulation of data and so-called scientific claims now dominating climate and environmental sciences. Evidence shows that man-made climate change does not exist and the arguments for it are not based on science but on data fraud and a conspiracy theory of nature. (see "Why the CO2 'theory' fails ", below)

Welcome to WeatherAction

HELLO! On our site you can keep up with the latest news, videos, comments and reports of weather and related solar activity and give your own observations and comments via the Latest Comment blog (Right) and read WeatherAction news-pdfs in the 'Latest' tab. Our twitter feed - @Piers_Corbyn and facebook page also carry leading weather and solar activity forecast reports and news.
Long-range monthly forecasts for Britain & Ireland, Europe and USA are available with normally normally 6 to 8 weather sub-periods per month via the web with look ahead times up to 30d (days), 45d, 100d and 4 / 5 months. For more details and to subscribe click here

Longer ahead forecasts up to 12 months ahead are also available - enquire directly via

WeatherAction forecasts, which have independently proven peer-reviewed significant skill - unlike all others in the field and proven skill in weather bets with William Hill (See forecast accuracy for references ) - are based on our revolutionary Solar-Lunar-Action-Technique (SLAT) which is increasing in scope and skill as our researches advance.

Useful presentations on SLAT and WeatherAction forecasts:
- See VIDEOof Piers Corbyn presentation to 'The Greenest Event', Johannesburg South Africa June 5th 2012 and more recent Video Links (Electric Universe conference USA March 2014) listed below / on right section of this homepage.
Presentationpdf submission to the UK Parliamentary enquiry into the supercold and snowy Dec 2010 - the coldest December for 100 years - which WeatherAction predicted ahead of all others -

WeatherAction Long-Range forecasts are world leaders

They give possible likely weather scenarios (+/-1d) in typically 8 time periods per month for Britain+Ireland, Europe, USA regions. They are NOT substitutes for short range detail but provide a likely scenario for LongRange decisions and choicesand are normally more accurate and applicable than standard meteorology on all time scales from months ahead to 5days ahead. WeatherAction are the only LongRange forecasts with proven peer-review published significant skill.

In addition to LongRange detail typically within 1 or 2 days resolution WeatherAction Solar factors - R5, R4, R3... ( in all forecasts) give advice which point to improverments of short range model forecasts.
Comments and news in forecasts and here and in blogs linked below deal with both LongRange Forecasts and medium-short Weather and geophysical effects - eg aurora - of solar factors in Br+Ir, Europe, USA and across the world.
Follow @Piers_Corbyn on twitter for very latest news and comment. Note Piers' tweets/retweets of standard model output at times may not imply agreement but is more information since models change so much in this Wild-Jet-Stream / Mini-Ice-Age era.
ALL PAST FORECASTS are available in the web access boxes for current forecasts and in the Forecast archive (Via Forecasts tab) as it updates. Forecasts are normally for each MONTH and in (up to) 8 sub periods Br+Ir, Europe inc Scandanavia and USA. In forecast access & notes BI, B+I, BrIr, Br+Ir = Britain+Ireland; Eu = Europe inc Scand.
30d forecast means current/next month up to ~30d ahead and is issued at ~end of previous month.
45d forecast means ~15d to 45d ahead and is issued mid of previous month; etc for 75d.
Forecasts issued can include re-issue of copies of previous without update and appropriately labelled [even if no changes have been (yet) made] - so subscribers know they have not missed a forecast (update). BI 100d, 90d, 75d, 45d and 30d can be the same but there normally will be extra detail and/or (sometimes) changes at any stage or extra stages espec for 45d & 30d issues. The basics of any forecast normally stay unchanged from ~6m ahead to 30d fullest detail in ~85% of cases.

WeatherAction is a major player in the Global Warming/Climate Change debate

We point out that the world is now cooling not warming and there is no observational evidence in the thousands and millions of years of data that changes in CO2 have any observable effect on weather or climate in the real world.
There are no scientists in the world who can produce such observational data and we challenge anyone reading this to send us such observational evidence from the real world or find someone who can and get them to produce it. There is only effect the other way, namely that ocean temperatures control average CO2 levels due to basic laws of physics about the soluability of CO2 gas in (sea) water. Boris Johnson, the (then) Mayor of London has expressed interest in what we say: see article
Thank you, Piers Corbyn, MSc (astrophysics), ARCS, FRAS, FRMetS
Director WeatherAction

WeatherAction Business summary:

WeatherAction are world leaders in Long range weather - and climate - forecasting and produce detailed weather forecasts to resolution of a few days months ahead for Britain & Ireland, Europe and USA +South Canada, and climate forecasts up to 20 years ahead.

The forecasts are based on predictable aspects of solar particle and magnetic activity and sun-earth connections and their modulation by lunar effects. The unique method developed by Piers Corbyn - WeatherAction founder, astrophysicist, theoretical physicist and weather & climate physicist & forecaster - is kown as The Solar-Lunar-Action-Technique (SLAT) of Long-Range forecasting.

Independent peer-reviewed measures of WeatherAction forecasts, monitors by insurance loss-adjusters, and scientific weather bets through William Hill show the significant skill of WeatherAction forecasts weeks and months ahead while other ('classical' / Numerical modelling) methods have no-skill (see Forecasts / accuracy).

Forecasts out to 4/5months ahead for Britain and Ireland, Europe and USA are sold at low charges on-line via .

Forecasts further ahead - eg up to 12 months ahead are available directly from

Most regular customers are farmers, commodity and energy traders, water companies, holday operators, event planners ( eg weddings, holidays, festivals), weather-sensitive retail and outdoor-pursuits.

WeatherAction forecasting powers are greatest for extreme events - storms and heatwaves / cold spells. WeatherAction's unique R-periods ('Red' weather periods, topmost R5 and R4), forecasts, now recognised world-wide by scientific forecasters and extreme-event analysts have unique skill in predicting most likely periods of extreme thunder and tornado risk and Tropical Storm formation and Rapid development. The same / related periods are also used for Extreme Earthquake risk trial forecasts.

WeatherAction significant forecast successes with detail where applicable to a few days include:-
- VERY Wet summers Britain & Ireland 2007, 2008, 2009 (when UK MetOffice precicted 'BBQ' summers!);
- West Russian Heatwave and the date of it's ending in August 2010;
- UK coldest (and very snowy) December for 100 years Dec 2010;
- Extreme deadly tornado swarms eg Joplin Missouri USA May 2011;
- Hurricane Irene USA East coast predicted in detail 12 weeks ahead;
- The year without a summer - extreme deluges and hail - Britain & Ireland 2012;
- Very Extreme deluges and hail July 2012 USA and Europe;
- V late Spring BI 2013 (Piers/WA won British Asparagus Assoc competition for market readiness);
- Late Oct Storm ('Piers Corbyn's Storm) S England +NW Euope 28Oct 2013, predicted 6mth ahead;
- Extra-ordinarily cold (displaced polar vortex) Winter/Springs 2014 and 2015 (East) USA+S Canada.
- Formidably skilled forecasts for April and May 2016 in BI, Eu and USA.
NONE of the above were predicted long-range by any other forecasters.

Forecast Subscription access details - ensuring your updates
30d forecastsAccess is to 28th of last month subscribed (uploads ~29-31st)
Subs start in the same month for payment by 20th of month. From 21st the Sub is deemed to apply from the next month and the current month is free.
45d (BI) forecasts:Access is to 14th of last month subscribed (Uploads ~15-17th)
- so that next month which loads 15th onwards is excluded. 30d for that month is also loaded.
45d subs start for the following month for payments made till 27th. From 28th subs are deemed to start from the month after that and months prior to that are free.
75d (BI) forecasts:Access is to 14th of month before last month subscribed
- so that next 75d month which loads 15th onwards is excluded. 28th, as 45d, is sub start switch date.
100d (BI) forecasts = Season ahead plus 10 daysAccess is to 20th of 2nd month before last month subscribed. Sub start switch date is 21st
- so that next 100d month which loads 22nd onwards is excluded. 75d loads on ~15th
AND 45d access is given to 14th of last month subscribed
so 45d, 30d forecasts for the months load.
150d (5 months) ahead access is to 28th of month concerned and updates on 29th onwards.

Why the CO2 'Theory' Fails

1. FACT.There is no evidence for the CO2 climate driver proposition in the real world using real data over hundreds of thousands of years. World temperatures do not follow CO2.
The world is not warmingand has not been doing so for 18 years. Even under fraudulent UN-MetO-NOAA manipulated data the world is not warming. ALL the alarmist predictions of CO2 warmism have failed.
See in Article about BBC-MetO charlatan John Hammond's Science Denialist claims, in WeatherAction blog
FACTChanging CO2 has no effectEVEN the Models used by the Met Office and UN's Climate Committee (the IPCC) show CO2 levels have no effect on the Jet Stream or extremes which come from the Wild Jet stream changes which they fail to predict.It is meteorological fact that the recent very wild weather extremes and contrasts follow from wild Jet Stream behavior. THAT Wild Jet Stream (Mini-Ice-Age) behavior was and is regularly predicted by Piers Corbyn's Solar-Lunar approach and is nothing to do with CO2. See Piers' video claim that these extremes are driven by CO2 / man made Climate Change is a lie for which there is no evidence or scientific paper which demonstrates a link in the real world.
2. FACT.Even if CO2 had an effect the idea that Mans 4% of total CO2 flux rules the other natural 96% flux in and out of sea/land making it follow mans activity is a ridiculous conspiracy theory of nature.
It follows War should be declared on termites which emit 10x Man's CO2 equivalent. Why has this not happened?

3. FACT.The reason why the CO2 atmosphere theory can never work is that the Ocean-atmosphere interface controls the amount of CO2 in air  a warmer ocean (which holds 50x more CO2 than the atmosphere) emits CO2 and vice versa. This is very basic physics*.
Just as when you warm a glass of fizzy drink more CO2 comes off and it absorbs more when it is cold. Putting more CO2 above the glass of fizzy drink does NOT however warm it up!
Ocean temperatures CONTROL atmospheric CO2 levels. It is an observed fact in millions of years of data that Ocean temperature changes LEAD atmospheric CO2 changes.
Irrespective of these facts there are 2 other reasons why CO2 warmist theory must fail: a) the surafce cooling effect of plants b) Non equilibrium thermodynamics in the atmosphere - ie the assumptions of the theory are nonsense. *Henry's Law.

"2014 (or 2015 or 2016 or 207 or 2018...) World hottest ever"? - Nope!
built on:- BAD SCIENCE, Data Fraud and a brainwashed public
by:- Carbon Tax grabbing Govts, Big Oil and Wall-St Super Corporations

Embedded image permalink

Support #CLimateTruth!- Get the FACTS below

Comment 12 Nov 2014
re WINTER 2014-2015 Britain & Ireland (and implications for Europe)
CLICK(14 Nov 2014) WANews14No43a WeatherAction warn UKMetO Winter Forecast should be ignored

05 Jan (later) 12th day of Xmas 2015
The utter disgrace of Official temperature "reports" -
~30% of USA data stations are now FABRICATED Data
Data fraud hits record levels every year since 2014

To see the record levels of fraud now perpetrated for USA date
(let alone UK and other Met Offices around the world and world bodies) go to Piers Corbyn latest Presentations (power Point Links in Right column of this home page) and go to:-
and see a flip-flop of adjustments upwards which corresponds to CO2 amounts!! LOL

Piers Corbyn says "This is not an increasing graph. the absurd claims cannot continue. We need a world campaign to clear out the fraud and clean up science".

BBC Science-Deniers Lie again on Climate Change & Extreme weather
On Sept 10 2014 In keeping with their deluded stance that all weather extremes are CO2 extremes and their Goebbels-esque approach to hit the public with the biggest climate lies as often as possible Roger Harrabin (BBC Environment Correspondent) gave a predictable double whammy of dishonesty on the extreme weather events in Asia and around the world.
He said on BBC TV News that As the the world continues to warm incidence of extreme events such as in recent days will increase.

FACT The world - using real data - is not warming
- and has not been doing so for 18 years. Even under fraudulent UN-MetO-NOAA manipulated data the world is not warming. See and links in Article about BBC-MetO charlatan John Hammond's Science Denialist claims, in WeatherAction blog (sec3).The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted global warming would impact winters. "Milder winter temperatures will decrease heavy snowstorms,” IPCCstatedquite plainly in its 2001 Third Assessment Report. IPCC’s prediction has two components: (1) global warming will cause milder winters and (2) global warming will cause a decline in heavy snowstorm events. These two predictions are clear and unequivocal. BOTH HAVE FAILED TOTALLY

FACT Changing CO2 has no effect
The Models used by the Met Office and UN's Climate Committee (the IPCC) show CO2 levels have no effect on the Jet Stream or extremes which come from the Wild Jet stream changes they fail to predict.
It is standard meteorology that the recent wild weather extremes and contrasts follow from the wild Jet Stream behaviour. THAT Wild Jet Stream (Mini-Ice-Age) behaviour was and is regularly predicted by Piers Corbyn's Solar-Lunar approach and is nothing to do with CO2. See & Piers' video The claim that these extremes are driven by CO2 / man made Climate Change is a brazen falsity for which there is no evidence or scientific paper which demonstrates a link in the real world.
Harrabin is a Science denier and we challenge him - along with BBC- MetOffice's John Hammond to justify their case in public debate on their misleading claims which are a disgrace to the BBC, Met Office and world science.
Useful information + Links

( i ) RECENT TOP VIDS + PDFs by Piers Corbyn - short links
- Electric Univ Pres 46k its by July 2016
- CO2 Scam Nailed 28k hits by July 2016

(ii) BigOil backs the CO2-Climate Change Scam all the way
because it ensures high energy prices and massive value for much of their otherwise worthless assetts in less accessable oil and gas fields.
See these BP links as an example

(iii) Other links on data massaging / fraud: (reUnited States Historical Climatology Network)
WATCH USHCN FRAUD SWITCH BELOW (For 'Final' read 'Fiddled')
Read artcle(s) for glaring evidence of fraud perpetrated by data 'selection/de-selection', and 'adjustments'/
modifications/'corrections' to make past processed 'data' colder and present warmer than objective honest records.

CURRENT - RECENT Top Solar + Weather data Links

Geomagnetic & Solar wind Monitors {Geomag Rises likely in R5, R4, R3}
Geomagnetic Activity (Kp) link:
Proton Flux link:
Solarwind impact predictor
Solar Wind Links
Space Weather + Solar Activity News
Geomagnetic & Electrical links

Other Useful Links
WeatherAction News Room+Feature-reports
Jet Stream, Standard Met;sess=
IceAgeNow reports+News
AccuWeather (USA, World)

Continuously Updating Solar

related & Solar Wind data

- including Stratowarm watch

General events including latest Sunspots & Coronal holes :

Aurora forecasts:

Solar-Wind impact predictor Solar System Map: which leads solar wind map predictor;

Solar Wind properties REDTRACE(below) Magnetic Field Bz negative = strong SolarWind-Earth connection

Electron & Proton Flux



Temp maps From

WeatherAction Red 'Solar-activity Effect' 'RedWeather' periods* 
- of weather & solar-geophysical activity warnings are the world-leading predictive parameters in LongRange Sun-Earth relations. *These are uniquely predicted by WeatherAction and no others using Piers Corbyn's Solar-Lunar-Action-Technique.

WeatherActionTop/Major Red (R5/R4) periods* warning of possible extreme weather events have received acclaim for reliability and timing in the last year.

Red Solar-Weather Periods
- Special interest to Airline pilots and crew and frequent fliers
  • WeatherAction TopRed, R5, periods show greatest risk of dangerous thunderstorms and turbulence in airflight.
  • The 2 most serious thunderstorm caused air disaters since 2009 were in WeatherAction 'TopRed' R5 periods...
    • 20014 24 July ~01.55am Air Algerie AH5017 (MD83) All 118 killed* in thunderstorms Sahara in WeatherAction R5 24-26 July. * +PIC ABOVE. Recall there was 'mean looking storm cloud' London 25th. See PIC above.
    • 2009 Jun1~2.10am Air France AF447(Airbus330) All 228 killed* in thunderstorms which went to height of 50,000 ft over Tropical Atlantic in WeatherAction R5 May29-Jun1 (then just termed Red Weather). *
  • There is increased interest in WeatherAction 'RTQ' (RedWeather, Thunder/tornado. Quake(trails) Risk) forecasts for air travel and activity. RTQ forecast have been published as a monthly table with a news page which was available alone as a forecast and are now in all forecasts:
  • WeatherAction R5, R4, R3...values are included in ALL forecasts 30d, 45d, ahead and some indications further ahead along with associated solar / aurora / geomagnetic events.

Delta House, 175-177 Borough High Street. London, SE1 1HR
Telephone: (+44) (0) 207 939 9946 ¦ Mobile: 07958 713320 ¦ Fax: (+44) (0) 207 939 9901
© 2011 WeatherAction