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They have look ahead times of UP TO: 30d, 45d (ie 15-45d), or 75d (ie 45-75d).
Currently only Britain+Ireland forecasts are available on the Web in 45d and 75d categories.

30d service forecasts are released on the last day of each preceding month and are available to the 28th of the forecast month for download from your member area.
45d (15-45d) forecasts are released on 15th, 16th or 17th of each preceding month and are available to the 14th of the forecast month for download from your member area.
75d (45-75d) forecasts are released on 15th, 16th or 17th of each preceding preceding month (eg March released mid Jan) and are available to the 14th of the forecast month for download.
The 75d service includes all 45d updates which include all 30d updates and any other updates or special occasional comments.
The 45d and 75d and 'All forecasts' Service access including to 30d updates is to the 14th of the last forecast month subscribed to.

Forecast type: Subscription period:
Br+Ir ALLWinterNOW. WinterSummary+Dec,Jan,Feb ALL LOADED. £133
Br+Ir 30d DEC LOADED. £27, 6/12m@5/9
TheLOT BI,Eu,Usa To5mAhead ManyDUE(extensions in lieu) £400 6/12m@2/3
BI45d+30d DEC LOADED, JAN loads 15Dec. £40, 6/12m@5/9
Eu ALLWINTERNOW: Eu Summary+DecJanFeb ALL LOADED. £133
BI5mtoApril.BI AllWinterSumm+DecJanFeb AllUP. RemSoon. £200, 6/12m@2/3
USA ALL WINTER 24-25 DEC(from15th) LOADED, Rest Due $168=£133
BI100d-Feb. AllWinterSumm+Dec,Jan,Feb ALL LOADED. £133, 6/12m@2/3
SouthOntarioCan+Usa30d UsaDec(from15)UP SOntDue $50=£40 6/12m@5/9
Usa 45d+30d. DEC(from15th) LOADED. JAN Loads16th+ $50=£40 6/12m@5/9
USA 30d DEC(from15th) LOADED. $34 = £27, 6/12m@5/9
Eu 30d. Eu DEC LOADED, Eu33 = £27, 6/12m@5/9
INDIANA+Usa 30d USA(from15)UP, IndianaDUE. $50=£40, 6/12m@5/9
Eu45d+30d DEC LOADED, JAN Loads 15Dec, Eu43 = £40, 6/12m@5/9
Eu+BI 100d-Feb.WinterSumms+BIEuDecJanFeb AllUP Trade £200 6/12m@2/3
Eu5mtoApril. Eu AllWinterSumm+DecJanFeb UP RemSoon £200 6/12m@2/3
BI+Eu 45+30d BI+EuDecUP JANLoads15Dec ForEnergyTrade £60 6/12m@5/9
Usa100d, DEC 2nd half LOADED, Rest Due. $161 = £133, 6/12m@2/3
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This subscription: £243.00
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